I tell son #2 to clear the table. And you better pick up more than one thing at a time. He picks up his cup and a napkin. REALLY?
They also really love. Not superficial love. They tell you if you stink one minute and tell you that you that you are beautiful the next. They are just honest and silly. I love my kids. They exhaust me but, I really do love them. When someone talks about having kids they'll ask what is it like to have kids. Most of us can't explain it. It is full of painful heartache, sleep deprivation (even after they sleep through the night, you probably never will again. Always sleeping with one ear open listening for any problems.), gross (they toot, burp, barf, pick their noses, and other more disgusting things), monotonous, gut wrenching, but, also thrilling, exhilarating, dizzying, warm and fuzzy. Oh and they either stink like a billy goat or smell heavenly. Who else would you ever let use you as a tissue? Or slobber in your cup?
Where am I going with this? My niece went to Kindergarten yesterday and rode the big school bus for the first time today. My brother posted a picture of the back of her climbing the steps on the bus. My heart ached. Not because I home school and I think there is something wrong with school buses. But, because the steps looked as big as she was. I didn't think she could possibly climb them without help. She did. And was excited to do it. It's because the step she took and my brother snapped was her first step of her 13 year career in school and the beginning of the end of her ... babyhood. I wanted to call my sister in law and cry with her. Really? Your baby is starting the time in her life where every waking moment isn't something you have organized or planned. Or even just observed. She is starting her own life. Her own life, away from Mom and Dad. Her own life where she will make decisions without you staring at her to see which choice she makes. She will make choices that you will never know she made.
We all do this with each child. Whether it is Kindergarten, camp, or any number of firsts that aren't in the baby books for us to record. There are so many firsts that pull our heart strings. Maybe I should write my own baby milestone book. I mean, first tooth lost sure. But, all of them? Do we really want to record them all. Do we really record them all. Why not first poop on the potty? Come on we all know that is so much bigger than, favorite sleepy toy. First time on a two wheeler. WOW! Isn't that an awesome sight to see you baby flying down the street on 2 wheels by themselves??
So, I have decided that first time on a school bus is totally one of the milestones that would go in my baby book. Sweet niece YAY for you. Brother and Sister in law, I'll mail some tissues. And please take pictures by the dozens. She will be 13 before you know it.

Sweetest picture ever. Has to be one for her wedding toast.
yes it will! cute! good entry!