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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Recipe Re-invented-Or, Hot Pumpkin


             I have a pumpkin soup recipe that I have made since I taught preschool 15 years ago. I got the recipe out of a curriculum book that I copied the page from. (I bought the book. I just wanted a copy in my recipe mess (more about my recipe mess another time)). Tonight it occurred to me, I don't make the recipe that is on the paper. I make my own recipe entirely different from looking at it. My recipe comes out sweet and the other one is garlicky with ham in it. Hmmm. Not only that, I don't even eat mine. I drink it out of a mug. 
           I told my husband, "This isn't even a soup. It is a drink. Like Hot Chocolate. Or Hot Vanilla (love that!). I am going to actually write down this recipe and post it. Then I can throw away the other one, that I have never even used. 
So, I hope you enjoy it. Here it is;

Hot Pumpkin

3 cans (15 oz. ) of Pumpkin
6 cups milk
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 - 1 tsp pumpkin spice
1 tsp vanilla

  1. Mix all ingredients into a pan (or Crockpot) and warm until hot. Be careful not to burn or curdle the milk.
  2. Drink. You can add a dollop of whipped cream and sprinkle cinnamon on top.
I whipped the drink in the cups with my frother. 
If you heat it in a crockpot, you can leave it in there on warm for several hours. Stir occasionally. 
This serves many. 
  • You could use whipping cream for a richer flavor.
  • You can add cocoa powder for a chocolate pumpkin (that is  yummy too.)
  • You could use almond, or coconut milk or another alternative milk for  a more healthful drink. Since Pumpkin is full of vitamins.
  • This is a good drink to put in a To Go cup and give to the neighbors.

Let me know how you like it.