I read a post by my sweet cousin today. She is a missionary in Nicaragua with her husband and is pregnant with her first sweet baby. http://loveinleon.blogspot.com/2013/06/psalm-139-9-10.html?m=0 ( sorry I'm on my phone version and can't make that look prettier. No Internet for the computer yet).
OK. Tell the truth. You just went "oh my!" All of the lonely feelings and fear and emotions you felt when you were pregnant came flooding into your memory. Now you put yourself in a foreign country. Scary huh? And when I read her blog today, my heart aches for her. It is so scary to be pregnant. No matter how much you want to be. But, that is so true of many things in life.
God leads us to what he has made us to do at the time that he needs us to do them. We don't get to plan things the way we thing they would be perfect. We don't get to stockpile mounds of money. Or have it be the perfect timing in our eyes. It's all Gods timing and his plans. As a Christian I know that. And can somewhat accept that. As a human? No way! I want to shout somedays, "God, are you paying attention? Why now? Why me? Why can't you check off some of my to do list and needs and desires before I have to do that?" I want to shout, "God, I'm scared. I'm not equipped. No one will believe me. No one will help. I'm alone God. Why?? Why can't you make this easier? Why does it have to be so painful? Why does it have to be so scary?"
Funny though, HE's heard all of this a gagillion times. (Yes, that's a number! I think.).
Moses said send Someone else. (Exodus 4:13 I've said this before). Abraham said I'm too old. (Genesis 18:11) Sarah just laughed (Genesis 18:12) Esther said why me? (Esther 4:11) The list goes on. God picks those he can use and that bring glory to him. He chose David to kill Goliath (1 Samuel 17; 21:9) so that it would be an amazing feat. A boy kill a giant? Really? We're still talking about it. A young orphan girl saves her outcast, exiled people?(Esther) An old man and lady become mother and father of a nation?(Abraham) There are so many underdog stories in the bible. And they're great.
But, when we are the underdog, .... It doesn't feel so great. It feels terrifying. Lonely. Too hard. Impossible. Being a child of God isn't always easy. In fact we're guaranteed trials because of being His child.
My family moved to a new state. Very far away from where we all grew up and knew everything. Even though we didn't like everything where we lived before, we knew where things were. We knew people. We had our foods that we knew and liked. We knew where places were.
This new place feels like a foreign country. The people talk with accents and they have words we don't understand. They have customs we don't understand and some we really don't like. (I'm being honest). The food isn't what we are used to and like. Not everyone is glad we are here.
We moved here because we had been lead to move here for several years by God's prompting. Those who think that is a crazy statement, may as well stop reading now. It gets deeper.
When ever we used logic or talked about not going God would do things to get our attention. Some tried to put roadblocks in front of us. Some told us we were crazy. WE said it was crazy. We pleaded with God for other answers. For better scenarios. For different scenarios. But, the reality is that God has a purpose for us and being here in this house, with this lovely, crazy old lady, in this strange town, with strange food, is where we are supposed to be.
My husband had a business. A good business. With his family. We had his family near us. We had an ocean view. We had friends. We had familiarity. We had a homeschool group. We had classes we could go to. We had stores we knew and liked. Natural foods, etc were plentiful and easy to get. We had awesome doctors. We had the beach. A church we loved. Wonderful weather, I better not keep going.
Now we are in a new land. We are learning new customs. And we are trying to figure out how to do everything in a new way.
Why? Some think its to gain material things. That isn't even really possible. And we have given up so many material possessions we have come somewhat, to the opinion that its all just things,and stuff anyway.
Some believe that we were in financial crisis and that's why we're here. That we couldn't care for ourselves anymore. That one is interesting because, we have been in financial crisis, but we were on the recover. We waited on God to pull us through it. Besides we had more predictability with our finances there then we do here.
Some just think we are crazy. Maybe they are right.
Here is the real story. We have always dreamed of living on a farm. Raising our own food, open spaces, etc., etc.
We love my grandma. We weren't happy with all of the ways that California was going in becoming one of the biggest nanny states. We hated the way we felt like we were always looking over our shoulder to see if someone was taking offense at how we raise our children, etc.
It was getting more difficult each year to do business in California and make a profit. California is not friendly to the small business owner. We missed having more family around. Family our kids age. Those are all true statements. But, we also had so much we loved where we were. Like I stated above; the beach, family, friends, familiar foods, stores, places, doctors, weather, homeschool, etc.
All of that aside; we moved because God prompted us. Grandma, has been diagnosed with dementia. She is getting worse. She lives on a big old farm. With space around her. A big house that was empty most of the time. She wasn't even able to sleep at home. All of our family that lives close to her works. And many live too far to help.
I'm not sure why God expected us to be the ones to give up our life and care for her but, he did. So we did. It is a ministry. God wants us to be here for this woman who has tried to be a godly woman her whole life. Who has served others, cared for others. Our mission is to be here for her. Love her. Fill the last part of her life with as much joy and peace as we can. In the mean time we get to teach our children what God means about sacrifice. We don't burn goats and sheep anymore. But we are supposed to sacrifice things that are much more difficult. Ourselves. Our comforts. This is a sacrifice. But it's also, such a blessing. I don't know if we'll live here in the south for the rest if our lives or not. I do know that we live here now. And we are supposed to squeeze all of the life out of being here that we can.
Am I ruining my children? Many would say it isn't fair to sacrifice your children's childhood (I believe is the way it was told to me by someone) to do something like this. But, we made this decision as a family. They wanted to come before my husband and I did. And how is teaching them by example about God's love bad? They are participating in daily life with Grandma. Her ability to teach them anything is quickly disappearing. But their ability to love her and learn how to care for another above themselves? That is priceless. All Christian parents talk about doing selfless things to teach and share with their kids. God has brought us here to do it. This is life. Right now. It is messy. It is unorganized much of the time. But, to see my Grandma light up to play a game with my two youngest. Or take my older two boys hand to walk across the grass, that is what this about. Her life. Right now. My kids do and will have childhood experiences. But, they will know that somedays Grandma is having a bad day. People all around us everyday have bad days. We need to be extra kind and aware of others around ourselves everyday. How is it that children are supposed to be given all of these "advantages" in toys, places to go, things to do, all geared to a wonderful childhood then suddenly grow up and be giving and self sacrificial? We need to teach by example.
My Grandma was the last to sit down at the table. She was the first to get up. She washed dishes, clothes, floors, walls, toilets, sinks, garages, and anything else she could reach. She grew food and canned them and preserved them and fed her family and anyone else that would come to a meal. Many have opinions as to why she was that way. Mine? She knew how to serve others above herself. Don't misunderstand me, no one is a saint. Not even Grandma (family is laughing and nodding) but, each of us cousins had a place to go and be a child. Be fed incredible food. Stay in an impeccably clean home. Run. We would run. All the while I never heard her list all that she had done that day. She did it silently. Everyday. I'm not good at that one. I may do many things during the day, but I want to tell you all I got accomplished. Sorry Grandma. I didn't learn that one.
I truly want to be a servant to God. I truly want to raise my children in his favor and his service. I truly want to do His will and graciously take the blessings HE wants to pour out on my family. I have to remember HIS idea of a blessing and my idea of a blessing are surely different sometimes.
HE is a good God. HE is a just God. HE is a living Father. HE wants what's best for me and my children.
Unfortunately, sometimes, many times, HIS path is lonely. When God is making a David or an Esther, HE doesn't always give them a buddy to do it with. HE wants the glory. Not the buddy not the servant. In our weakness HE is made great.
So please, if someone you know does something really counter culture and weird with their lives, try not to judge them by saying that they are being irresponsible. It looks and is irresponsible to the world and society to do many of what God wants. Tithing most of the time in today's world is irresponsible, having too many children, is irresponsible (even though God says all children are blessings), talking to and helping a homeless man is many times scary and irresponsible, moving to a third world country and having a baby there seems irresponsible, giving away most of your possessions and moving into an old lady's cluttered home, going to her church, and living where we know very little seems irresponsible. But, listening to a burning bush and trying to lead a people that only partially wanted you there(Moses) seems irresponsible, spending several years building an enormous boat many, many miles from any body of water(Noah) seems irresponsible, a young boy(David) fighting a giant is hugely irresponsible, marching around a secure city(Jericho) several times a day screaming is irresponsible and crazy, a young orphan girl that suddenly becomes queen throwing away her new found comforts and her life possibly, to walk into the kings throne room uninvited to her possible death to save a people that saw her as nobody-is irresponsible. However, God knows what HE is doing. We will continue to follow HIS path for our family even though it is lonely. Even though others talk behind our back or worse to our face about how crazy and irresponsible we are being, we will love on Grandma and raise our children in this new life. This new adventure.
For the record, we aren't great, awesome, holy people. We are just a couple of people trying yo follow a God that has crazy plans. And hey, when was the last time you did anything "irresponsible" for God? Maybe you should try it. There is a since of freedom in the following HIM instead of controlling all that happens in our lives.
Remember what David said, "I will become even more in dignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes."
2 Samuel 6:22
How irresponsible was it to take several years to build a enormous boat many miles from any body of water?!
I have so many words but none say enough about how I love this. You are EXACTLY the servant God wants us to be. People will always criticize what they don't understand (esp those that THINK they get it but obviously don't). I love that your humble spirit has remained strong through all the tough goodbyes, the big move, the huge changes, the settling in, the critical harshness of some, the major adjustments. Your eyes are on The Lord and that is all that matters. He is enough for you and yours. Grandma is beyond blessed to have you guys there to love on her, bring life back into her home. Give it a pulse. And she will be a blessing to you and bring you joy. Thank you for being irresponsible and following The Lord.
ReplyDeleteLook back and THANK God.
ReplyDeleteLook forward and TRUST God.
Look around and SERVE God.
Look within and FIND God.
Be still. Know you are following in faith. Most people live in fear and pretend to live in faith. YOU are living in faith. Isn't it cool????