Our schools have pushed this belief. This is how they work in Germany. They don't have a whole lot of pride in their country anymore because of the World Wars. Even our president has been pushing the collective agenda. How can our country feel good about itself if the children are taught in school not to feel pride. Or even taught that Americans are bad. We have done horrible things to other countries. WHAT!!?? REALLY?! How is that supposed to make our children feel good about themselves? I mean one minute the school says you shouldn't play competitive sports because someone will lose and that will make them feel bad about who they are. Then they are saying that when we came over on the Mayflower, we did horrible things to the natives here. And our Grandparents (their Great - or Great-Great grandparents) were slave owners, or segregationist's. There are so many things these children are told that their ancestors did to other groups of people. Now feel good about who you are and where you come from. Yea, sure. We have distorted so much of the reality of life in these ways. How is it we can't play tag or dodge ball at school because someone will feel bad if they lose but, it is O.K. to tell children that things that there family did in the past are terrible and that makes them terrible. Kids aren't stupid. Are we forgetting that some people stood up for these groups of people? Are we forgetting that our grandparents fought for our freedoms because other people wanted to come and do horrible things to us? I'm confused. When did our history stop being about wonderful tales of adventure and sacrifice? When did we stop telling our children that they are decedents of incredibly strong men and women? What about men like Daniel Boone, or Davy Crockett? What about the men and women that came across the plains to move west. Sure there were definitely run-ins with the Indians. Some of them were waring tribes. Some were more violent then others. Could that be why some of the "white" people were afraid of them? Have you read the Little House Books? Laura's accounts of the tribes were amazing. Some of the other books we have read were amazing too. I think I would have been ready to shoot first, ask later, when you have kids out in the middle of no where.
There are good people and bad people. People do good things and bad things. That is life. We teach our children the true history of how our wonderful country came to be and all of the incredible people -men and women-black and white-, etc. that gave there lives. Not just in death but, their whole life in service to our country. That is what they need to teach in schools. Not that we are bad because our ancestors stood up to the red coats. I heard a teacher focus on the fact that the patriots threw rocks at the red coats and how terrible it was. A "mob mentality" was the phrase. He forgot to mention that some of these Patriots had families burned while in church during prayer meetings. That some of this mob had been abused and tormented by the British in their very homes as they were to house some of these soldiers. The list goes on and on as to what the Patriots had endured under the command of such tyrants. I'm sure throwing rocks was just a fit of anger boiling over. I'm not sure I would have been thrilled to know that my son or husband had been involved in the stoning but, I don't know what my family would have had to endure at the hands of these solders either.
As far as learning what is good versus what is bad; teach them what God says about that. We can't teach true American history without it. We came here to have religious freedom. Absolutely. Because, King George wanted to control us with religion. The first things he wanted burned down were the churches with the preacher and the people inside. God is our King. No one else. That made King George very angry. When they took bible out of school and regular moral teaching that was the beginning of the end of this nation. Now, they don't want to teach what our forefathers did to give us this nation. They paid a dear price to give us freedom.
In Benjamin Franklin's 1749 plan of education for public schools in Pennsylvania, he insisted that schools teach "the excellency of the Christian religion above all others, ancient or modern."
In 1787 when Franklin helped found Benjamin Franklin University, it was dedicated as "a nursery of religion and learning, built on Christ, the Cornerstone."
the father of the Israelite nation, in the bible lied and said that Sarah was his sister. He even allowed her to go and be with the ruler of the land at the time. God himself had to give the ruler a dream to tell him what was happening. Not one of God's chosen people have ever been perfect or have done everything right.
I was supposed to be teaching world history to my kids this year. We are on Medieval times. They are excited. However, I think I need to do another thorough year of American history as well. We did it when they were younger but, they need to know so much now during these times. I have a sense that we have enormous changes on the horizon for our wonderful country. I want my family to know why we love it so. They know what Christ did for them. They know why we love and worship our Lord. I better remind and explain more about why we love the country HE gave us.
In the mean time, I love this seal. Isn't it beautiful.

This was made by Benjamin Franklin and suggested as a seal of our great nation. He felt that the image shown was of the scene in Exodus when God's people confronted a tyrant to gain their freedom, was perfect for what our young nation had been enduring. It has Pharaoh sitting in his chariot, crown on his head and a sword in his hand. They are pursuing the Israelites through the Red Sea. There is the pillar of fire, God's presence and Moses with his hands outstretched over the Sea as it overtakes Pharaoh. Amazing.
Patrick Henry said:
“It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” [May 1765 Speech to the House of Burgesses]
“The Bible is worth all other books which have ever been printed.”
What more could anyone say after those wonderful quotes. I feel so privileged to live in this great nation. Founded by men that believe in this manner.
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