So my oldest son made the Crock-Pot beans the other day and took the other crock to put in 5 frozen chicken breasts (because it is good left over on salad) and poured a whole jar of salsa on it. Turned the crock on High for about 5-6 hours. After they were done, I shredded them with two forks. YUM Great burritos that night. Chicken, beans, salsa, sour cream, and cheese. OOO LALA!! O.K. it's a quicky.
This chicken is super good on salad as well.
A place for me to put down my thoughts and ideas, recipes, crafty's, worship, and anything else that suits my fancy. Most things will be about my family, my God, my husband, my life journey.
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Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Righteous Hair
Since the girlie was born I have felt...different. Not so good. Hormonal. My hair fell out for like, a year. It is brittle. My skin seems dry but, has those annoying ugly bumps all over it. Cycles,.. well, don't get me started. I have decided that I need to cut down on the xeno and phyto estrogens that I bombard my body with daily. That is the chemicals that are either man made or God made that we overdue because companies use these things for so many different reasons. Well, they are in everything. It's hard.
The other day I realized I was almost out of my super yummy smelling Garnier Fructis shampoo. I made a decision to go to the local health food store and find a good alternative that would be better for my body. I walked up and down the shampoo aisle and chose one that smelled very much like a drink you would order on a beach somewhere. (are you noticing a theme.) It didn't have any of the offensive chemicals I was looking at or many others I never knew to avoid in the first place. It was supposed to be formulated for dry hair. That is it. That is what I want.
The next night I washed my hair. WOW! Did it smell good. Coconuts. YUM! Although, when I rinsed I noticed it didn't feel very... slimy like the other shampoo felt. It had a more squeaky feel to it. It made me a little worried. That isn't such a good feeling with hair when you have dry hair. But, I re-read all of the things that the bottle claimed not to have in it and felt very righteous about the shampoo and smart. Definitily smarter.
I added the Garnier Fructis conditioner I had (it never runs out as fast as the shampoo). And went ahead with my normal routine. Next morning I had HUGE hair. Now for those of you that have thin hair, you are now thinking, " Right On!!" No. I have big hair normally. Part of the ritual is to mellow it out. My hair was huge and frizzy. Not only that but, it felt like the scarecrow in the wizard of Oz. Are you kidding me??!! I have to get ready for church. What am I going to do with this.. this... MASS of hair?
Well, I did what any other woman in my situation would do with 30 mins to be ready (kids included) to leave. I used tons of "product". We all know what this is. The slimy, oily, greasy, full of not only chemicals but, I'm sure it even has silicone in it products. Well, I got it tamed to go to church and not totally embarress my dear husband but, I did feel that sense righteousness going right out the door. So much for the fantastic chemical free shampoo that made me feel like I was doing something great for myself and maybe even the planet. Yea, at $10.00 for 8 oz. I don't think I will be buying that again. In fact, I think it goes in the boys shower (we know they don't care what their hair feels like). I will hang my head and buy my $6.00 -24 oz. bottle of Fructis shampoo at Target. Because it works so much better. Well, I tried.
The other day I realized I was almost out of my super yummy smelling Garnier Fructis shampoo. I made a decision to go to the local health food store and find a good alternative that would be better for my body. I walked up and down the shampoo aisle and chose one that smelled very much like a drink you would order on a beach somewhere. (are you noticing a theme.) It didn't have any of the offensive chemicals I was looking at or many others I never knew to avoid in the first place. It was supposed to be formulated for dry hair. That is it. That is what I want.
The next night I washed my hair. WOW! Did it smell good. Coconuts. YUM! Although, when I rinsed I noticed it didn't feel very... slimy like the other shampoo felt. It had a more squeaky feel to it. It made me a little worried. That isn't such a good feeling with hair when you have dry hair. But, I re-read all of the things that the bottle claimed not to have in it and felt very righteous about the shampoo and smart. Definitily smarter.
I added the Garnier Fructis conditioner I had (it never runs out as fast as the shampoo). And went ahead with my normal routine. Next morning I had HUGE hair. Now for those of you that have thin hair, you are now thinking, " Right On!!" No. I have big hair normally. Part of the ritual is to mellow it out. My hair was huge and frizzy. Not only that but, it felt like the scarecrow in the wizard of Oz. Are you kidding me??!! I have to get ready for church. What am I going to do with this.. this... MASS of hair?
Well, I did what any other woman in my situation would do with 30 mins to be ready (kids included) to leave. I used tons of "product". We all know what this is. The slimy, oily, greasy, full of not only chemicals but, I'm sure it even has silicone in it products. Well, I got it tamed to go to church and not totally embarress my dear husband but, I did feel that sense righteousness going right out the door. So much for the fantastic chemical free shampoo that made me feel like I was doing something great for myself and maybe even the planet. Yea, at $10.00 for 8 oz. I don't think I will be buying that again. In fact, I think it goes in the boys shower (we know they don't care what their hair feels like). I will hang my head and buy my $6.00 -24 oz. bottle of Fructis shampoo at Target. Because it works so much better. Well, I tried.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Not So Relaxing Soak
I had a busy day. The usual, cleaned the house, made a couple of things for the crock-pot, wrangled children. I went down and got boxes of my books for school to start in a couple of weeks from the storage unit. Man, they were heavy and I hurt my back a little. So after everyone was in bed, I thought I can soak in the tub. Well, here is the sad situation that followed that decision.
First, I looked in the tub and couldn't remember when it had been scrubbed last. Um, I think I will tough it out and get in anyway. Then I get a book, turn on the water, grab a towel and climb in. Ahhh warm water. Oh WAIT, I have a bath pillow. Oh and a cover for the overflow valve so I can make the tub deeper. I jump out and find the pillow. Well, it needs to be blow up. Blow. Blow. Wow that was harder then I would have thought. Can't find the overflow cover. Oh well, Climb back in and try to relax. Tubs awful short. The pillow only has one working suction cup. Got to balance the pillow while I get comfortable. NO big deal. Finally, am sitting back resting, by my self. No little one dumping water on my head. Or sticking a rubber duck in my face wanting me to make it quack. Or leaving gross floating "logs" for me. Just me and a new book. PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....... What? What is that? A loud hissing in my ear. The pillow has a hole. I'll cover it with my back. No not working. And. And. What is that smell? The pillow is old and I think there is mildew inside that is now blowing in my face. Not comfortable. Throw pillow. AAKKK! Cold porcelain to lean on. Fine. I am RELAXING. Now all I can smell is mildew. I am grossing out about the tub feeling not so slick inside. Maybe it is just soap scum but,... O.K. I give up. I'm getting out. I should have just taken a shower. OH Yea, I forgot to brush my teeth. I have to go back to the bathroom and do that now. So much for a relaxing bubble bath, alone, and refreshing. I'm out of bubble bath anyway and Mr. Bubble isn't really mommy friendly. Oh well.
First, I looked in the tub and couldn't remember when it had been scrubbed last. Um, I think I will tough it out and get in anyway. Then I get a book, turn on the water, grab a towel and climb in. Ahhh warm water. Oh WAIT, I have a bath pillow. Oh and a cover for the overflow valve so I can make the tub deeper. I jump out and find the pillow. Well, it needs to be blow up. Blow. Blow. Wow that was harder then I would have thought. Can't find the overflow cover. Oh well, Climb back in and try to relax. Tubs awful short. The pillow only has one working suction cup. Got to balance the pillow while I get comfortable. NO big deal. Finally, am sitting back resting, by my self. No little one dumping water on my head. Or sticking a rubber duck in my face wanting me to make it quack. Or leaving gross floating "logs" for me. Just me and a new book. PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS....... What? What is that? A loud hissing in my ear. The pillow has a hole. I'll cover it with my back. No not working. And. And. What is that smell? The pillow is old and I think there is mildew inside that is now blowing in my face. Not comfortable. Throw pillow. AAKKK! Cold porcelain to lean on. Fine. I am RELAXING. Now all I can smell is mildew. I am grossing out about the tub feeling not so slick inside. Maybe it is just soap scum but,... O.K. I give up. I'm getting out. I should have just taken a shower. OH Yea, I forgot to brush my teeth. I have to go back to the bathroom and do that now. So much for a relaxing bubble bath, alone, and refreshing. I'm out of bubble bath anyway and Mr. Bubble isn't really mommy friendly. Oh well.
The Pride of America and Its Roots.
I heard a woman that had lived in Sweden for many years once say that she couldn't understand why we would think that our country was better than an other's. "What's with all of the patriotism? " I was stunned? Why wouldn't you want to live in the BEST country? Why do people root for their favorite team? Don't they enjoy wearing the colors of their teams or schools? Or the logo of their company or favorite organization? My goodness, I've even seen people with stickers on their cars saying how their breed of dog is better then other breeds. But, not your country? Don't people realize that it is important to not only feel proud of who you are but, you need to feel like a part of something. Something big. If there is no one cheering for the team, why keep playing?
Our schools have pushed this belief. This is how they work in Germany. They don't have a whole lot of pride in their country anymore because of the World Wars. Even our president has been pushing the collective agenda. How can our country feel good about itself if the children are taught in school not to feel pride. Or even taught that Americans are bad. We have done horrible things to other countries. WHAT!!?? REALLY?! How is that supposed to make our children feel good about themselves? I mean one minute the school says you shouldn't play competitive sports because someone will lose and that will make them feel bad about who they are. Then they are saying that when we came over on the Mayflower, we did horrible things to the natives here. And our Grandparents (their Great - or Great-Great grandparents) were slave owners, or segregationist's. There are so many things these children are told that their ancestors did to other groups of people. Now feel good about who you are and where you come from. Yea, sure. We have distorted so much of the reality of life in these ways. How is it we can't play tag or dodge ball at school because someone will feel bad if they lose but, it is O.K. to tell children that things that there family did in the past are terrible and that makes them terrible. Kids aren't stupid. Are we forgetting that some people stood up for these groups of people? Are we forgetting that our grandparents fought for our freedoms because other people wanted to come and do horrible things to us? I'm confused. When did our history stop being about wonderful tales of adventure and sacrifice? When did we stop telling our children that they are decedents of incredibly strong men and women? What about men like Daniel Boone, or Davy Crockett? What about the men and women that came across the plains to move west. Sure there were definitely run-ins with the Indians. Some of them were waring tribes. Some were more violent then others. Could that be why some of the "white" people were afraid of them? Have you read the Little House Books? Laura's accounts of the tribes were amazing. Some of the other books we have read were amazing too. I think I would have been ready to shoot first, ask later, when you have kids out in the middle of no where.
There are good people and bad people. People do good things and bad things. That is life. We teach our children the true history of how our wonderful country came to be and all of the incredible people -men and women-black and white-, etc. that gave there lives. Not just in death but, their whole life in service to our country. That is what they need to teach in schools. Not that we are bad because our ancestors stood up to the red coats. I heard a teacher focus on the fact that the patriots threw rocks at the red coats and how terrible it was. A "mob mentality" was the phrase. He forgot to mention that some of these Patriots had families burned while in church during prayer meetings. That some of this mob had been abused and tormented by the British in their very homes as they were to house some of these soldiers. The list goes on and on as to what the Patriots had endured under the command of such tyrants. I'm sure throwing rocks was just a fit of anger boiling over. I'm not sure I would have been thrilled to know that my son or husband had been involved in the stoning but, I don't know what my family would have had to endure at the hands of these solders either.
As far as learning what is good versus what is bad; teach them what God says about that. We can't teach true American history without it. We came here to have religious freedom. Absolutely. Because, King George wanted to control us with religion. The first things he wanted burned down were the churches with the preacher and the people inside. God is our King. No one else. That made King George very angry. When they took bible out of school and regular moral teaching that was the beginning of the end of this nation. Now, they don't want to teach what our forefathers did to give us this nation. They paid a dear price to give us freedom.
In Benjamin Franklin's 1749 plan of education for public schools in Pennsylvania, he insisted that schools teach "the excellency of the Christian religion above all others, ancient or modern."
In 1787 when Franklin helped found Benjamin Franklin University, it was dedicated as "a nursery of religion and learning, built on Christ, the Cornerstone."
the father of the Israelite nation, in the bible lied and said that Sarah was his sister. He even allowed her to go and be with the ruler of the land at the time. God himself had to give the ruler a dream to tell him what was happening. Not one of God's chosen people have ever been perfect or have done everything right.
I was supposed to be teaching world history to my kids this year. We are on Medieval times. They are excited. However, I think I need to do another thorough year of American history as well. We did it when they were younger but, they need to know so much now during these times. I have a sense that we have enormous changes on the horizon for our wonderful country. I want my family to know why we love it so. They know what Christ did for them. They know why we love and worship our Lord. I better remind and explain more about why we love the country HE gave us.
In the mean time, I love this seal. Isn't it beautiful.

This was made by Benjamin Franklin and suggested as a seal of our great nation. He felt that the image shown was of the scene in Exodus when God's people confronted a tyrant to gain their freedom, was perfect for what our young nation had been enduring. It has Pharaoh sitting in his chariot, crown on his head and a sword in his hand. They are pursuing the Israelites through the Red Sea. There is the pillar of fire, God's presence and Moses with his hands outstretched over the Sea as it overtakes Pharaoh. Amazing.
Patrick Henry said:
“It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” [May 1765 Speech to the House of Burgesses]
“The Bible is worth all other books which have ever been printed.”
What more could anyone say after those wonderful quotes. I feel so privileged to live in this great nation. Founded by men that believe in this manner.
Our schools have pushed this belief. This is how they work in Germany. They don't have a whole lot of pride in their country anymore because of the World Wars. Even our president has been pushing the collective agenda. How can our country feel good about itself if the children are taught in school not to feel pride. Or even taught that Americans are bad. We have done horrible things to other countries. WHAT!!?? REALLY?! How is that supposed to make our children feel good about themselves? I mean one minute the school says you shouldn't play competitive sports because someone will lose and that will make them feel bad about who they are. Then they are saying that when we came over on the Mayflower, we did horrible things to the natives here. And our Grandparents (their Great - or Great-Great grandparents) were slave owners, or segregationist's. There are so many things these children are told that their ancestors did to other groups of people. Now feel good about who you are and where you come from. Yea, sure. We have distorted so much of the reality of life in these ways. How is it we can't play tag or dodge ball at school because someone will feel bad if they lose but, it is O.K. to tell children that things that there family did in the past are terrible and that makes them terrible. Kids aren't stupid. Are we forgetting that some people stood up for these groups of people? Are we forgetting that our grandparents fought for our freedoms because other people wanted to come and do horrible things to us? I'm confused. When did our history stop being about wonderful tales of adventure and sacrifice? When did we stop telling our children that they are decedents of incredibly strong men and women? What about men like Daniel Boone, or Davy Crockett? What about the men and women that came across the plains to move west. Sure there were definitely run-ins with the Indians. Some of them were waring tribes. Some were more violent then others. Could that be why some of the "white" people were afraid of them? Have you read the Little House Books? Laura's accounts of the tribes were amazing. Some of the other books we have read were amazing too. I think I would have been ready to shoot first, ask later, when you have kids out in the middle of no where.
There are good people and bad people. People do good things and bad things. That is life. We teach our children the true history of how our wonderful country came to be and all of the incredible people -men and women-black and white-, etc. that gave there lives. Not just in death but, their whole life in service to our country. That is what they need to teach in schools. Not that we are bad because our ancestors stood up to the red coats. I heard a teacher focus on the fact that the patriots threw rocks at the red coats and how terrible it was. A "mob mentality" was the phrase. He forgot to mention that some of these Patriots had families burned while in church during prayer meetings. That some of this mob had been abused and tormented by the British in their very homes as they were to house some of these soldiers. The list goes on and on as to what the Patriots had endured under the command of such tyrants. I'm sure throwing rocks was just a fit of anger boiling over. I'm not sure I would have been thrilled to know that my son or husband had been involved in the stoning but, I don't know what my family would have had to endure at the hands of these solders either.
As far as learning what is good versus what is bad; teach them what God says about that. We can't teach true American history without it. We came here to have religious freedom. Absolutely. Because, King George wanted to control us with religion. The first things he wanted burned down were the churches with the preacher and the people inside. God is our King. No one else. That made King George very angry. When they took bible out of school and regular moral teaching that was the beginning of the end of this nation. Now, they don't want to teach what our forefathers did to give us this nation. They paid a dear price to give us freedom.
In Benjamin Franklin's 1749 plan of education for public schools in Pennsylvania, he insisted that schools teach "the excellency of the Christian religion above all others, ancient or modern."
In 1787 when Franklin helped found Benjamin Franklin University, it was dedicated as "a nursery of religion and learning, built on Christ, the Cornerstone."
the father of the Israelite nation, in the bible lied and said that Sarah was his sister. He even allowed her to go and be with the ruler of the land at the time. God himself had to give the ruler a dream to tell him what was happening. Not one of God's chosen people have ever been perfect or have done everything right.
I was supposed to be teaching world history to my kids this year. We are on Medieval times. They are excited. However, I think I need to do another thorough year of American history as well. We did it when they were younger but, they need to know so much now during these times. I have a sense that we have enormous changes on the horizon for our wonderful country. I want my family to know why we love it so. They know what Christ did for them. They know why we love and worship our Lord. I better remind and explain more about why we love the country HE gave us.
In the mean time, I love this seal. Isn't it beautiful.

This was made by Benjamin Franklin and suggested as a seal of our great nation. He felt that the image shown was of the scene in Exodus when God's people confronted a tyrant to gain their freedom, was perfect for what our young nation had been enduring. It has Pharaoh sitting in his chariot, crown on his head and a sword in his hand. They are pursuing the Israelites through the Red Sea. There is the pillar of fire, God's presence and Moses with his hands outstretched over the Sea as it overtakes Pharaoh. Amazing.
Patrick Henry said:
“It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” [May 1765 Speech to the House of Burgesses]
“The Bible is worth all other books which have ever been printed.”
What more could anyone say after those wonderful quotes. I feel so privileged to live in this great nation. Founded by men that believe in this manner.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Crock-Pot Enchilada Casserole
I really like this recipe. One that gives us something a little different in the crock.
I use a big oval 6 quart crock pot. So this is a big recipe. You can cut it down for the smaller pot.
2 lbs. ground beef
1 small chopped onion
minced garlic (to taste. 2 cloves?)
2-3 cans of pinto beans (red or black beans are good too), drained
28 oz. stewed tomatoes ( I use the diced. I also use one regular and one spiced with green chile's.)
8-16 oz. jar of mild salsa
18-20 corn tortillas
Grated cheese- I prefer the mixed Mexican cheese.
Opt. Sour cream
Opt. black olives, sliced
Opt. green onions
Opt. Tortilla chips
1) Brown the ground beef with the onions and garlic. Drain any fat.
2) Take the tomatoes and blend them to make them soupier. (do you want it chunky? It's up to you.)
3) Add the beans, blended tomatoes, and salsa (I use about 2/3 of a 16 oz. jar) to the ground beef mixture.
4) Simmer mixture for about 5-10 minutes.
5) Spray the inside of your crock-pot with a non-stick spray.
6) Put about 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup of the meat mixture in the bottom of the crock.
layer about 5 tortillas on top of that.
7) Add another layer of meat on the tortillas.
8) Layer some cheese on top of this meat layer.
9) Add a layer of cheese.
10) Continue layers in order (tortillas, meat, cheese) until everything is used up ending with meat then cheese.
11) Cook on low for 4-5 hours or until everything is heated through.
When you serve this dish, I usually put a blob of sour cream sprinkled with chopped green onions and sliced black olives. I also serve it with tortilla chips. We like to eat it like a dip.
This is a yummy hot dinner. I can't remember where I got it originally, maybe a magazine but, I have changed it so much over time I'm sure the . It is so simple. You can tweak it to fit your families taste.
I use a big oval 6 quart crock pot. So this is a big recipe. You can cut it down for the smaller pot.
2 lbs. ground beef
1 small chopped onion
minced garlic (to taste. 2 cloves?)
2-3 cans of pinto beans (red or black beans are good too), drained
28 oz. stewed tomatoes ( I use the diced. I also use one regular and one spiced with green chile's.)
8-16 oz. jar of mild salsa
18-20 corn tortillas
Grated cheese- I prefer the mixed Mexican cheese.
Opt. Sour cream
Opt. black olives, sliced
Opt. green onions
Opt. Tortilla chips
1) Brown the ground beef with the onions and garlic. Drain any fat.
2) Take the tomatoes and blend them to make them soupier. (do you want it chunky? It's up to you.)
3) Add the beans, blended tomatoes, and salsa (I use about 2/3 of a 16 oz. jar) to the ground beef mixture.
4) Simmer mixture for about 5-10 minutes.
5) Spray the inside of your crock-pot with a non-stick spray.
6) Put about 1/2 - 3/4 of a cup of the meat mixture in the bottom of the crock.
layer about 5 tortillas on top of that.
7) Add another layer of meat on the tortillas.
8) Layer some cheese on top of this meat layer.
9) Add a layer of cheese.
10) Continue layers in order (tortillas, meat, cheese) until everything is used up ending with meat then cheese.
11) Cook on low for 4-5 hours or until everything is heated through.
When you serve this dish, I usually put a blob of sour cream sprinkled with chopped green onions and sliced black olives. I also serve it with tortilla chips. We like to eat it like a dip.
This is a yummy hot dinner. I can't remember where I got it originally, maybe a magazine but, I have changed it so much over time I'm sure the . It is so simple. You can tweak it to fit your families taste.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
They grow up.
Kids do and say some of the funniest and even honest things sometimes. My daughter fell off of a chair and wanted me to kiss her foot. The two oldest boys were grossed out that I would kiss her foot. Not my youngest son. He flopped off of his chair, on purpose and yelled, "OW my butt hurts!!" I can tell you I didn't kiss his booty. But, at 3 years old, that was pretty quick. He sure thought it was funny.
I tell son #2 to clear the table. And you better pick up more than one thing at a time. He picks up his cup and a napkin. REALLY?
They also really love. Not superficial love. They tell you if you stink one minute and tell you that you that you are beautiful the next. They are just honest and silly. I love my kids. They exhaust me but, I really do love them. When someone talks about having kids they'll ask what is it like to have kids. Most of us can't explain it. It is full of painful heartache, sleep deprivation (even after they sleep through the night, you probably never will again. Always sleeping with one ear open listening for any problems.), gross (they toot, burp, barf, pick their noses, and other more disgusting things), monotonous, gut wrenching, but, also thrilling, exhilarating, dizzying, warm and fuzzy. Oh and they either stink like a billy goat or smell heavenly. Who else would you ever let use you as a tissue? Or slobber in your cup?
Where am I going with this? My niece went to Kindergarten yesterday and rode the big school bus for the first time today. My brother posted a picture of the back of her climbing the steps on the bus. My heart ached. Not because I home school and I think there is something wrong with school buses. But, because the steps looked as big as she was. I didn't think she could possibly climb them without help. She did. And was excited to do it. It's because the step she took and my brother snapped was her first step of her 13 year career in school and the beginning of the end of her ... babyhood. I wanted to call my sister in law and cry with her. Really? Your baby is starting the time in her life where every waking moment isn't something you have organized or planned. Or even just observed. She is starting her own life. Her own life, away from Mom and Dad. Her own life where she will make decisions without you staring at her to see which choice she makes. She will make choices that you will never know she made.
We all do this with each child. Whether it is Kindergarten, camp, or any number of firsts that aren't in the baby books for us to record. There are so many firsts that pull our heart strings. Maybe I should write my own baby milestone book. I mean, first tooth lost sure. But, all of them? Do we really want to record them all. Do we really record them all. Why not first poop on the potty? Come on we all know that is so much bigger than, favorite sleepy toy. First time on a two wheeler. WOW! Isn't that an awesome sight to see you baby flying down the street on 2 wheels by themselves??
So, I have decided that first time on a school bus is totally one of the milestones that would go in my baby book. Sweet niece YAY for you. Brother and Sister in law, I'll mail some tissues. And please take pictures by the dozens. She will be 13 before you know it.

Sweetest picture ever. Has to be one for her wedding toast.
I tell son #2 to clear the table. And you better pick up more than one thing at a time. He picks up his cup and a napkin. REALLY?
They also really love. Not superficial love. They tell you if you stink one minute and tell you that you that you are beautiful the next. They are just honest and silly. I love my kids. They exhaust me but, I really do love them. When someone talks about having kids they'll ask what is it like to have kids. Most of us can't explain it. It is full of painful heartache, sleep deprivation (even after they sleep through the night, you probably never will again. Always sleeping with one ear open listening for any problems.), gross (they toot, burp, barf, pick their noses, and other more disgusting things), monotonous, gut wrenching, but, also thrilling, exhilarating, dizzying, warm and fuzzy. Oh and they either stink like a billy goat or smell heavenly. Who else would you ever let use you as a tissue? Or slobber in your cup?
Where am I going with this? My niece went to Kindergarten yesterday and rode the big school bus for the first time today. My brother posted a picture of the back of her climbing the steps on the bus. My heart ached. Not because I home school and I think there is something wrong with school buses. But, because the steps looked as big as she was. I didn't think she could possibly climb them without help. She did. And was excited to do it. It's because the step she took and my brother snapped was her first step of her 13 year career in school and the beginning of the end of her ... babyhood. I wanted to call my sister in law and cry with her. Really? Your baby is starting the time in her life where every waking moment isn't something you have organized or planned. Or even just observed. She is starting her own life. Her own life, away from Mom and Dad. Her own life where she will make decisions without you staring at her to see which choice she makes. She will make choices that you will never know she made.
We all do this with each child. Whether it is Kindergarten, camp, or any number of firsts that aren't in the baby books for us to record. There are so many firsts that pull our heart strings. Maybe I should write my own baby milestone book. I mean, first tooth lost sure. But, all of them? Do we really want to record them all. Do we really record them all. Why not first poop on the potty? Come on we all know that is so much bigger than, favorite sleepy toy. First time on a two wheeler. WOW! Isn't that an awesome sight to see you baby flying down the street on 2 wheels by themselves??
So, I have decided that first time on a school bus is totally one of the milestones that would go in my baby book. Sweet niece YAY for you. Brother and Sister in law, I'll mail some tissues. And please take pictures by the dozens. She will be 13 before you know it.

Sweetest picture ever. Has to be one for her wedding toast.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I Live in a Vacation Destination
What a day. Our summer has finally arrived. People are out in droves. The sad thing is most of the kids go back to school in a couple of weeks. I guess us home schoolers will have lots of space to sprawl out on the beaches. Great motivation for the kids. " Get your work done in a timely manner and we can go to the BEACH!" WOOHOO!! Wouldn't you get your work done? I almost want to start school now to use the leverage. Just kidding. Even moms like summer. We went to church this morning and what a message. Gotta love Doug Fields. If you have never heard one of his sermons, you should look him up on the internet. He has written several books, I think as well. His sermon was on, When your life script isn't God's life script for you. Man.... All I can say is, he was talking to my husband and I.
Went to lunch with the grandparents. Just O.K. Company is good, food not so good. Don't you hate it when you are really hungry and the food in front of you isn't worth the calorie intake?
Follow up that great morning with what?? The BEACH of course. How can you live a mile from the beach and not go?? Well, I always go several miles down the coast to the "better" beach. I know. I guess I am a beach snob. It was beautiful. The smells, the view, wow!
Pick up a burrito on the way home. (Yes Bro at THAT place). What a perfect day!! When we got home I walked out on the patio and saw this:
Could it be anymore perfect than that??? My husband said, " It's kinda like we live in a vacation rental." What a great thought. So now if I get grouchy about not having any storage or not having enough room outside in the yard. I remember, people pay big for this view. And people vacation here. O.K. God is good and he is taking care of us. My God is a big God.
Went to lunch with the grandparents. Just O.K. Company is good, food not so good. Don't you hate it when you are really hungry and the food in front of you isn't worth the calorie intake?
Follow up that great morning with what?? The BEACH of course. How can you live a mile from the beach and not go?? Well, I always go several miles down the coast to the "better" beach. I know. I guess I am a beach snob. It was beautiful. The smells, the view, wow!
Pick up a burrito on the way home. (Yes Bro at THAT place). What a perfect day!! When we got home I walked out on the patio and saw this:
Could it be anymore perfect than that??? My husband said, " It's kinda like we live in a vacation rental." What a great thought. So now if I get grouchy about not having any storage or not having enough room outside in the yard. I remember, people pay big for this view. And people vacation here. O.K. God is good and he is taking care of us. My God is a big God.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Grape Seed Oil on Your FACE!
Well, I have been trying to cut down on our parabens in the family. Paraben is the word that is on the package when there has been xeno-estrogen's added. These aren't good for anyone for so many reasons. Well, I have been using Dermalogica on my face for years but, the last few months I have been getting little bumps all over my face. I am assuming it is stress or, ... I don't know. Anyway, I missed my nice clear complexion, smooth face. You won't believe what I have been doing. I don't know about long term but, it has cleared up my face and my teenage sons (he was actually getting pimples and using dermalogicas products.) We have been washing our faces with .... Ready for this??? Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap.
I am not kidding. I am a freak about not putting harsh things on my face. I think that the peppermint being a natural antiseptic kills any bacteria. But, then,... ready..., we put Grape seed oil on after. Yes, the kind you cook with. It is amazing how my face feels the next day. I am floored. But, I do remember that when your face gets over dry it will produce more oil making pimples. I think my poor son was using the products before and they were making his problem worse. His face looks great. I have also been using the oil instead of lotion as well. My son had a dry patch on his skin that we kept putting lotion on and it wouldn't really go away. Two days and it was gone. Felt great! I used some on my legs after shaving. Great!! No burn and no red bumps like I used to get with the lotion. Just don't get it on your clothes. If you do take the clothing and run as hot of water as you can on it. Even use a little hot water you have warmed on the stove.
I went to Target and got a small travel bottle to put the oil in so we could keep it in the bathroom. It also makes it easier to not put too much in your hand. It works great!
So that is my little beauty tip for the day. I think it would work great to stave off wrinkles too.
I am not kidding. I am a freak about not putting harsh things on my face. I think that the peppermint being a natural antiseptic kills any bacteria. But, then,... ready..., we put Grape seed oil on after. Yes, the kind you cook with. It is amazing how my face feels the next day. I am floored. But, I do remember that when your face gets over dry it will produce more oil making pimples. I think my poor son was using the products before and they were making his problem worse. His face looks great. I have also been using the oil instead of lotion as well. My son had a dry patch on his skin that we kept putting lotion on and it wouldn't really go away. Two days and it was gone. Felt great! I used some on my legs after shaving. Great!! No burn and no red bumps like I used to get with the lotion. Just don't get it on your clothes. If you do take the clothing and run as hot of water as you can on it. Even use a little hot water you have warmed on the stove.
I went to Target and got a small travel bottle to put the oil in so we could keep it in the bathroom. It also makes it easier to not put too much in your hand. It works great!
So that is my little beauty tip for the day. I think it would work great to stave off wrinkles too.
Crock-Pot Lasagna YUM!
I made a Lasagna yesterday in the crock -pot. I took 3 recipes and made my own. I do that sometimes and then forget to write down what I did. Well, I'll wrote it here because it was good. I think the best one I've made.
I used the 6-quart large oval crock pot.
2-lbs ground beef
Italian spices (I really opened the cabinet and sprinkled some of this and that. I'll try to list all I used)
little Rosemary
Italian Seasoning
One small yellow onion
minced garlic (I had the jarred on hand. About 3 cloves or more)
1-1 1/2 jars of spaghetti sauce ( I used Trader Joe's Tomato Basil Marinara)
Lasagna noodles
2 -16 oz. containers of ricotta cheese
2 eggs
1/2 cup of parmesan cheese (I just used the shaker can kind)
One package of baby spinach
Shredded cheese (usually you use mozzerella. I used cheddar and some string cheeses I had)
1) Saute the onion in a little olive oil until clear.
2) Add the ground beef to the onions. Add spices and brown the meat.
3) Drain the grease off the browned meat. Add spaghetti sauce. Add enough sauce that it is really wet and saucey (Don't rinse or throw away jar yet!)
4) Simmer on low for a few minutes until it is good and warm.
5) Now you will start to layer. First put some of the meat mixture on the bottom.
6) Add a layer of noodles. Break them to fit and make a good layer.
7) Mix the ricotta cheese with the eggs and parmesan cheese.
8) Smear a layer of the ricotta mixture on the noodles.
9) Add Spinach (and or any other vegetable you want to add here).
10) Throw in a layer of shredded cheese.
11) Add more meat mixture.
12) Continue to layer until pot is to desired capacity.
13) Finish with a little meat sauce on top, sprinkled with a pretty layer of cheese.
14) Take your empty spaghetti jar swirl in 1/4 cup of water and pour that all over the top of the lasagna.
15) Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4.
This came out nice and firm. I actually cut it with a spatula and lifted out pieces. Usually a crock lasagna is a little goopy. It is the egg and parmesan in the ricotta that gives it the firmness. I am so excited that I found that little secret out. (Thanks Sis! You know who you are.)
I didn't take a picture. I was too hungry after smelling it all day. I'll take a picture of the leftovers today.
I used the 6-quart large oval crock pot.
2-lbs ground beef
Italian spices (I really opened the cabinet and sprinkled some of this and that. I'll try to list all I used)
little Rosemary
Italian Seasoning
One small yellow onion
minced garlic (I had the jarred on hand. About 3 cloves or more)
1-1 1/2 jars of spaghetti sauce ( I used Trader Joe's Tomato Basil Marinara)
Lasagna noodles
2 -16 oz. containers of ricotta cheese
2 eggs
1/2 cup of parmesan cheese (I just used the shaker can kind)
One package of baby spinach
Shredded cheese (usually you use mozzerella. I used cheddar and some string cheeses I had)
1) Saute the onion in a little olive oil until clear.
2) Add the ground beef to the onions. Add spices and brown the meat.
3) Drain the grease off the browned meat. Add spaghetti sauce. Add enough sauce that it is really wet and saucey (Don't rinse or throw away jar yet!)
4) Simmer on low for a few minutes until it is good and warm.
5) Now you will start to layer. First put some of the meat mixture on the bottom.
6) Add a layer of noodles. Break them to fit and make a good layer.
7) Mix the ricotta cheese with the eggs and parmesan cheese.
8) Smear a layer of the ricotta mixture on the noodles.
9) Add Spinach (and or any other vegetable you want to add here).
10) Throw in a layer of shredded cheese.
11) Add more meat mixture.
12) Continue to layer until pot is to desired capacity.
13) Finish with a little meat sauce on top, sprinkled with a pretty layer of cheese.
14) Take your empty spaghetti jar swirl in 1/4 cup of water and pour that all over the top of the lasagna.
15) Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4.
This came out nice and firm. I actually cut it with a spatula and lifted out pieces. Usually a crock lasagna is a little goopy. It is the egg and parmesan in the ricotta that gives it the firmness. I am so excited that I found that little secret out. (Thanks Sis! You know who you are.)
I didn't take a picture. I was too hungry after smelling it all day. I'll take a picture of the leftovers today.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Slow-Cooker Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cake
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar (divided. This is important.)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup milk
1 tablespoon canola oil ( I used Grape seed oil)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup boiling water
The Directions.
Use a 4-quart slow cooker coated well with cooking spray. In a mixing bowl, combine flour, 1/2 cup sugar, baking powder and salt.
In the microwave, melt peanut butter for about 30 seconds, and then add to the mix along with milk, oil, and vanilla. Stir really well to combine.
Spread this mixture into the bottom of your slow cooker.
In a separate bowl, mix together cocoa powder, the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar, and 1 cup boiling water (be careful!) Pour this evenly over the peanut butter batter in your cooker.
Cover and cook on high for 2-4 hours, or until the top has set and an inserted toothpick (into the cake--underneath the cake is molten chocolate) comes out clean. Let the cake sit uncovered in an unplugged crockpot for about 20 minutes, then serve warm in dessert bowls.
(I would quadruple the portions and put it in the 6 quart pot. Also, don't let it over cook. There isn't as much of the molten chocolate underneath if you cook it too long).
1 cup sugar (divided. This is important.)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup milk
1 tablespoon canola oil ( I used Grape seed oil)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup boiling water
The Directions.
Use a 4-quart slow cooker coated well with cooking spray. In a mixing bowl, combine flour, 1/2 cup sugar, baking powder and salt.
In the microwave, melt peanut butter for about 30 seconds, and then add to the mix along with milk, oil, and vanilla. Stir really well to combine.
Spread this mixture into the bottom of your slow cooker.
In a separate bowl, mix together cocoa powder, the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar, and 1 cup boiling water (be careful!) Pour this evenly over the peanut butter batter in your cooker.
Cover and cook on high for 2-4 hours, or until the top has set and an inserted toothpick (into the cake--underneath the cake is molten chocolate) comes out clean. Let the cake sit uncovered in an unplugged crockpot for about 20 minutes, then serve warm in dessert bowls.
(I would quadruple the portions and put it in the 6 quart pot. Also, don't let it over cook. There isn't as much of the molten chocolate underneath if you cook it too long).
Birthday Traditions.
Right now my family is in the middle of our Birthday season. We have 2 in August, 1 in September, and 2 in October. I think traditions are important to any family. I have worked hard to make sure that we have some of our very own. Traditions help kids feel like part of a team. Like they have something special as well as have something to look forward to. Sometimes traditions just happen by accident.
This is his bigger than mine, hand at 13. My big teenager. Amazing how they grow so fast. He is almost as tall as me too.
Birthday traditions in our home are a little different then others. First, we celebrate for a week instead of just for the day. Meaning if there are choices like, fish or chicken for dinner that person gets the choice. Then on your day you get your special meal and dessert to celebrate. I said dessert because my children will chose all kinds of desserts instead of just a Birthday cake. Last night my oldest chose a Crock-pot Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup cake. It was good. He loved it. I would make it bigger next time. It wasn't very big. But, it was funny that I couldn't put 13 candles on it. We had to use the number candles instead. He didn't mind, it was what he chose. I get the recipe from my favorite recipe blog
A Year of Slow Cooking. If you want the recipe just click there and grab it.
We have had a variety of desserts. Cheesecake, cookie pizza, pies, banana cake with cream cheese frosting (my favorite), chess pie (a southern favorite), ice cream sundaes, you name it. If I were going to do this crock pot cake again, I would quadruple it and put it in the 6 quart pot instead. This was just barely enough it go around.
Another tradition I have done with my kids since they were born is to write them a letter. Nothing huge. Just a recap of the year and some of my thoughts for them. I have done one for each kid for each year. The letter gets the year and age, with the name on the envelope. Then it goes in their box. Each child has a box to hold keepsakes (more on that later).
My favorite tradition is the table cloth. Each child gets a nice quality, white tablecloth for their first birthday (you could do it when they are born). Each year I paint the child's hand and print it on the cloth. Under the hand print I put the age and year. You could do them in any pattern you chose. I did them around the edge.
Here you can see his sweet little hand print when he was one. He was wiggly so it was hard to get it straight.
This is a view of the side of the cloth when it is on. I put a clear table cloth on top so it doesn't get spotted or ruined. I have never washed it although you should be able to. I do use fabric paint. I am just afraid if I was it and some comes off, I couldn't re-do it.
These are some of our favorite traditions for Birthdays and thought I would share them. I hope one of them sparks an idea for you and your family.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I have a teen in the house.
Wow! I can't believe it was 13 years ago that I had my first labor and delivery. Man was that the longest 2 days of my life!!! Well, 13 years ago my darling boy came into this world. He hardly cried. He looked right at my husband and just stared as they put him under the warm lights. He is still that way. Watching everything around him. Mellow. What a blessing this little guy has been for me. He still is.
My heart strings are being pulled tightly as he grows into a man and needs more independence. I am glad he his maturing in this manner but, I wonder about other areas. I wonder where his brain has gone. I wonder why he thinks that slow is the best pace for EVERYTHING! I wonder why he still thinks bodily functions are so funny. I wonder if he will let me hug him in public again. I wonder why it makes ME laugh so much to freak him out by dancing in the car (he will actually hide his face from other cars. Like he is going to see those people ever again?). I wonder why I can embarress him so easily (and why it makes me laugh just a little sometimes). I wonder if he will always be nice to his sister. I wonder what he will become. I wonder if we have taught him everything he needs to know up to this point. I wonder when a girl will break his heart. And will he even tell us. I wonder what kind of girl he will marry.
Being a mom to a teen-age boy is so weird. I talked to some friends last night that have been through this. They assured me that he will come back. He will hug me again of his own free will someday. He will find his brain and be able to communicate again with me and his dad. They did tell me that it will never be the same. He will be big forever now. We can never go back. Gone are the days of him sitting on my lap to read a book. Or him grabbing my hand and skipping down the street. He will probably never let me kiss his face all over just because.
I am proud of him thus far on his road. I will try to be a pleasant bystander to the rest of his growing up. I guess to the rest of his life.
I love you my big guy and hope you have a great day. May God hold you close and you listen to His gently prodding with your choices.
My heart strings are being pulled tightly as he grows into a man and needs more independence. I am glad he his maturing in this manner but, I wonder about other areas. I wonder where his brain has gone. I wonder why he thinks that slow is the best pace for EVERYTHING! I wonder why he still thinks bodily functions are so funny. I wonder if he will let me hug him in public again. I wonder why it makes ME laugh so much to freak him out by dancing in the car (he will actually hide his face from other cars. Like he is going to see those people ever again?). I wonder why I can embarress him so easily (and why it makes me laugh just a little sometimes). I wonder if he will always be nice to his sister. I wonder what he will become. I wonder if we have taught him everything he needs to know up to this point. I wonder when a girl will break his heart. And will he even tell us. I wonder what kind of girl he will marry.
Being a mom to a teen-age boy is so weird. I talked to some friends last night that have been through this. They assured me that he will come back. He will hug me again of his own free will someday. He will find his brain and be able to communicate again with me and his dad. They did tell me that it will never be the same. He will be big forever now. We can never go back. Gone are the days of him sitting on my lap to read a book. Or him grabbing my hand and skipping down the street. He will probably never let me kiss his face all over just because.
I am proud of him thus far on his road. I will try to be a pleasant bystander to the rest of his growing up. I guess to the rest of his life.
I love you my big guy and hope you have a great day. May God hold you close and you listen to His gently prodding with your choices.
Monday, August 16, 2010
How does a mom take a sick day???
So I am pretty blessed. I don't get sick very often. I see a great natural dr. that keeps my family pretty healthy. But, we all get sick occasionally. This last week was my week. Funny I think back to people looking down on my mom at dinner parties in the early 80's because she was a SAHM when it wasn't cool. They thought what she was doing then was easy. And really made fun at her expense. What do people who work do when they get sick? I guess they get a day off to recoup. They are bummed because they may lose pay. Or get behind at work. But, how many of those people could handle playing referee to a 3 yo and a 1 1/2 year old all day when you are so sick you can hardly get off the couch? I mean, who makes mom soup when she is sick? If you work all day, your kids have a daycare or babysitter you could drop them off for the day. Not a SAHM. We have the joy of being with our kids all the time. That is great and, why we do it. But, man when you have a sinus headache so bad you can't open your eyes without tears streaming down your face, the blood curdling, " MOOOOMMMYYYYY! She tooookk MY TRUCK!!" Could bring you to your knees. Shouldn't there be a sick chair or something. "You know, Mommy is sick. You sit here all day and don't move so I can sleep and sip tea. Sound good honey?" Doesn't fly with a toddler and preschooler. The olders think it is great. "MOM is sick YEA! video games and fixing whatever we can slip by her to eat."
The littles, not so much. They stick that whiney thing into high gear and squeal a bit more just to see what happens. What happens is, mom puts on any movie you want, gives you popsicles and begs you to be a little quieter.
Well, I was pretty sick. It took me two days before I felt good enough to make myself some chicken and rice soup.
I make up a big homemade batch and then freeze some in jars so that when I get sick I can have some. It's also quicker if the kids get sick to just defrost it and add the rice or noodles for them then to make a whole fresh batch. I will post the recipe. It sure is nice to have some homemade soup when you are sick. Like I said earlier, Who makes mom soup when she is sick. I have an idea. Girls, when one of us is sick we will all get together and make each other soup. That would be great. Or if my brother, the chef lived closer I could ask him to make it. He'd probably spike it with chile powder to see me explode. Well, I am much better and now I will have to re-make a batch of soup to replenish my supplies. So a chicken in the crock tomorrow.
I'll post the recipe in the morning.
The littles, not so much. They stick that whiney thing into high gear and squeal a bit more just to see what happens. What happens is, mom puts on any movie you want, gives you popsicles and begs you to be a little quieter.
Well, I was pretty sick. It took me two days before I felt good enough to make myself some chicken and rice soup.
I make up a big homemade batch and then freeze some in jars so that when I get sick I can have some. It's also quicker if the kids get sick to just defrost it and add the rice or noodles for them then to make a whole fresh batch. I will post the recipe. It sure is nice to have some homemade soup when you are sick. Like I said earlier, Who makes mom soup when she is sick. I have an idea. Girls, when one of us is sick we will all get together and make each other soup. That would be great. Or if my brother, the chef lived closer I could ask him to make it. He'd probably spike it with chile powder to see me explode. Well, I am much better and now I will have to re-make a batch of soup to replenish my supplies. So a chicken in the crock tomorrow.
I'll post the recipe in the morning.
Sweet things
My 3 year old little guy:
I kissed his face including the tip of his nose.
He says," Why do you kiss my boogers."
I said," I love all of you. I guess that goes for your boogers too."
He says," That is gross. " Then wipes one on me giggling wildly. "You said you love them."
I said," O.K. I don't really love your boogers."
I think he is the funniest little guy. Makes me laugh.
One of those moments.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Indiana Jones would be scared.
I used to work outside of my home before I had kids. I had several different kinds of jobs. The last being a preschool teacher to 24 3-4 year olds. Needless to say I was tired by the end of the day. But, there was an end to the day. I also knew all of the things I would never do as a parent. I went to school for this. I was taught the best way to do most anything with kids. Now I had no delusions that I would never make a mistake but, come on, I had dealt with so much already. I referred to my teaching job as a time when I could learn how to raise my kids while taking care of others. These parents seemed so incompetent sometimes. I was 22-25 years old, never had kids of my own. But, had lots of classes. That made me an expert and these parents believed that. I look back now and think,"Why would they think I was so wise? And experienced?" It was true I was dealing with 24 kids and their personalities. Yes, I had dealt with so many different issues on a huge scale where these parents only had one or 2 kids. The parents were so tired and didn't want to think anymore. "Just tell me how to fix this." That was the mentality. Now with 4 kids of my own, ranging from teen to toddler, I understand feeling that way. Unfortunately, there is no simple fix for most issues kids deal with. No magic bullet. If there was, don't you think we would have discovered it over all of the generations since Adam and Eve first blew it with Cain and Able???
When I turned in my 2 weeks notice from that job because I was pregnant and frankly tired of "raising" other peoples kids. My boss said,"When are you coming back?" When I said I wanted to stay home and raise my own kids. She laughed and said I'd be back because I would get bored. That bothered me. Really? While finishing my pregnancy at home I began getting ready for the baby. Then I scrape booked. Then I cleaned. Then I re-organized. Then I did neat crafty things. Then... I wondered if my boss was going to be right. Would I get bored? Could I ever have enough to do without ending up watching soap operas and Oprah all day?
Fast forward to about 3 and 1/2 years ago. I had 3 kids then. Here is a typical day that could make Indiana Jones run for the hills screaming. Oh, and that boredom thing has never been worried about again. (Don't get me wrong, I have had my share of days hiding in the laundry room for a quick cry and pity party. Those just have to be very few and far between.)
Here is the snapshot: My husband had left for a business trip (not something he had ever done before) for 3 days. We had a new bulldog puppy to add to our dachshunds already "full" life. He was being house broken but, not too well. My older two boys were hungry and being "oh so helpful", bringing in groceries. Now filling the counter. The baby ( #3, #4 wasn't born yet) needed to be nursed and laid down for a nap and was vocalizing this beautifully. My sink had this mornings breakfast dishes soaking and the dishwasher was in need of emptying. Oh yes, the dishwasher repair man was supposed to be there in about an hour and a half. With a 20 minute call before he arrives.
RING! As I answer the phone, the kids are dropping 1/2 a container of grapes all over the floor and there are peals of laughter, the baby again vocalizes he's hungry NOW, the new puppy squats on the kitchen floor, and it's the repair man. "Hi. I'm at your front door."
Snap that picture and put it in your scrapbook.
These are the days that older women stop and tell you to enjoy because they are short lived. "Soon they will all be gone and living on their own." I always want to ask if they will do their own laundry then too. I know, I'm being a bit dramatic but am I? We moms know these days don't last forever but, sometimes aren't we glad that there is an end in sight? I don't mean that all of the moments are bad and tiring. We all know they aren't. But, as your household fills so do the duties you have to preform as well as, thinner is the already stretched time you have to get things done. It's o.k. to think these things. If we are honest we all think them. And as you can see we must be living in a sort of post traumatic stress syndrome or Stockholm syndrome. Why else would we have more kids? Or add animals to the mix? Or invite guests to stay with us? Or HAVE CHRISTMAS!! I'm just kidding about the last one. (Sorta). We do it because we love and want to do for others. We were put here to do God's work. We are to be fruitful and multiply (not asking for more God, just quoting here), care for his creatures, and be hospitable. We also realize the time we thought we didn't have enough of before, can be stretched even thinner. There really is enough hours in the day to care for each other. Maybe not to get the laundry done, but, stop and love each other.
Philippians 4:13 says, " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
When I turned in my 2 weeks notice from that job because I was pregnant and frankly tired of "raising" other peoples kids. My boss said,"When are you coming back?" When I said I wanted to stay home and raise my own kids. She laughed and said I'd be back because I would get bored. That bothered me. Really? While finishing my pregnancy at home I began getting ready for the baby. Then I scrape booked. Then I cleaned. Then I re-organized. Then I did neat crafty things. Then... I wondered if my boss was going to be right. Would I get bored? Could I ever have enough to do without ending up watching soap operas and Oprah all day?
Fast forward to about 3 and 1/2 years ago. I had 3 kids then. Here is a typical day that could make Indiana Jones run for the hills screaming. Oh, and that boredom thing has never been worried about again. (Don't get me wrong, I have had my share of days hiding in the laundry room for a quick cry and pity party. Those just have to be very few and far between.)
Here is the snapshot: My husband had left for a business trip (not something he had ever done before) for 3 days. We had a new bulldog puppy to add to our dachshunds already "full" life. He was being house broken but, not too well. My older two boys were hungry and being "oh so helpful", bringing in groceries. Now filling the counter. The baby ( #3, #4 wasn't born yet) needed to be nursed and laid down for a nap and was vocalizing this beautifully. My sink had this mornings breakfast dishes soaking and the dishwasher was in need of emptying. Oh yes, the dishwasher repair man was supposed to be there in about an hour and a half. With a 20 minute call before he arrives.
RING! As I answer the phone, the kids are dropping 1/2 a container of grapes all over the floor and there are peals of laughter, the baby again vocalizes he's hungry NOW, the new puppy squats on the kitchen floor, and it's the repair man. "Hi. I'm at your front door."
Snap that picture and put it in your scrapbook.
These are the days that older women stop and tell you to enjoy because they are short lived. "Soon they will all be gone and living on their own." I always want to ask if they will do their own laundry then too. I know, I'm being a bit dramatic but am I? We moms know these days don't last forever but, sometimes aren't we glad that there is an end in sight? I don't mean that all of the moments are bad and tiring. We all know they aren't. But, as your household fills so do the duties you have to preform as well as, thinner is the already stretched time you have to get things done. It's o.k. to think these things. If we are honest we all think them. And as you can see we must be living in a sort of post traumatic stress syndrome or Stockholm syndrome. Why else would we have more kids? Or add animals to the mix? Or invite guests to stay with us? Or HAVE CHRISTMAS!! I'm just kidding about the last one. (Sorta). We do it because we love and want to do for others. We were put here to do God's work. We are to be fruitful and multiply (not asking for more God, just quoting here), care for his creatures, and be hospitable. We also realize the time we thought we didn't have enough of before, can be stretched even thinner. There really is enough hours in the day to care for each other. Maybe not to get the laundry done, but, stop and love each other.
Philippians 4:13 says, " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
“…and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:2, NAS)
Endurance. There is a word all moms and frankly, dads need to pray for. This is a race. Not a fast sprint, a marathon. You are not only running it, you are a coach to the children in your care. You will help prepare them to run this race that God has put before them. We can't run it for them. Although most of us feel like it would be easier if they would just move over and let us. We need to prepare them for this race. The day above is just a small portion of the marathon but, my reaction and ability to laugh is going to be a training lesson for my darlings. I hope I pass as a good coach. Some days are going to be harder than others and I hope that with this little blog, you and I can be an encouragement to each other.
“Nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Sweet Tea is My Daily Fuel. Is That a Problem?
My recipe for sweet tea is the same as everyone else's, I suppose. I have a couple of quirks that I like. but, would you really expect anything else from me? I always have my own way of doing things.
First the recipe. Plain and simple.
Sweet Tea
2 TBL loose leaf tea
3/4 Cup Sugar
about a 1/2 gallon of water (8 cups)
Lots of ice.
Boil the water in your tea kettle just to boiling. Don't let it whistle a long time. You will boil all of the air out of it. Then it will taste... flat. Pour boiling water over the tea and let steep for 5 minutes. This is key to getting the right flavor. After 5 minutes pour into your pitcher over the sugar so the hot water dissolves the sugar. Now I read a couple days ago that you should put in the cold water over the sugar first so that the hot water doesn't make the sugar bitter. I tried it this morning. Not sure if it makes a difference. I will have to try it and also get my dear husbands opinion before I let you know. The water will be warm enough still to make the sugar dissolve. Stir and let sit a minute or so to let all of the sugar dissolve or it will stay on the bottom of the pitcher.
Fill the pitcher the rest of the way with cold water. Done.
Now the quirks. Loose leaf tea is better because they use the leaf not the stems and twigs. The flavor is less bitter. There are lots of brands on the market. Here in California there are not many to choose from. In fact the Lipton that I use, I have to drive 30 minutes to the only Target that carries loose leaf tea. I'm sure I could order a different brand but, I'm o.k. with this until they stop carrying this. There are fancy teas. Teavana is a store in our mall here. There is a wall of all different kinds of teas from all over the world. Just like coffee, that is fun for something different but, if you pay 12.00 and ounce are you really going to enjoy it regularly or just as a special something. I am not really excited to think about how I would react if the kids spill a little on the floor when they try to help in the kitchen. To me that kills the relaxation part of sipping a glass of tea.
I also like the organic sugar from Trader Joe's better then the regular white sugar. I don't really know why it tastes a little different but it is less likely to go bitter in the hot tea. Really any sugar will do.
Some people like their coffee just a certain way. Others will drink any old black cup of joe. I am that way with my tea. I'm not crazy about it out. I really like it at home the best.
This is the o ld fashioned way to brew tea and a great way still. Just a little messy. You would put the tea in the bottom of the bowl pour the water in (about 2 cups worth. Eyeball it.) Then use a strainer to pour it into the pitcher. You don't want to chew your tea. This works well. I always end up pouring in too much water and I need to get a potholder because the bowl gets hot. Why use a metal bowl. I can't remember. But, I think there is a reason. Something about the chemical reaction with the tea??? Maybe someone else knows.
Teavana brewer. |
Teavana Tea-diffuser
It is a little pricey. But, they do have sales and you can balance it out with the fact that your tea only costs a couple of bucks for weeks worth.
The diffuser keeps the tea in the top and you set the whole brewer on top of your pitcher and it pours out only the brewed hot tea. Leaving the wet leaves in the top. No straining. Even the kids can and do put it on the pitcher and I don't worry too much about burns this way.
Either way makes a great tea.
Here is the brewer on the pitcher. It fits nicely and then there is no worry about spilling, or getting leaves in the pitcher.
O.K. I make things more complicated sometimes. But, if there is a way to do something and it makes my life better or easier, I'm going to share it. I love this silly gadget. It makes my tea life easier. My boys can actually make tea. I watch them pour the boiling water into the brewer. That is it. Less mess. Less fuss.
This is the end result. Icey cold tea. The lemonade is for my husband. He loves Arnold Palmers. That is half lemonade and half tea. Sorry, he is born and raised in California. The cups I will tell about another day but, for now I think we are all tired of talking about making tea. Let's go drink one. Enjoy.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Slow-Cooker Beans - First Recipe
Part of the reason I wanted to do this blogging thing was to not only share my favorite recipes but, get them all in the same place so my family and I have them. Right now my recipes are everywhere. In the computer, in 3 ring binders, in my e-mail box, in a recipe box, even taped inside of the cabinets. I really have to think where I have to go to get a particular recipe. Obviously this is a sore spot for me. So, here is yet another place for my recipes. Hopefully, I can get them all down here so I will have record of them all.
Today I was going to make a new Slow- Cooker Lasagna. But, my cell phone just died ( see I didn't thank God for that yesterday. See last post.), my oldest gets home from Jr. High church camp ( a whole other story), my little son threw up in said older sons bed last night (not going to go over well when he gets home), I was sick for a couple of days- the kind where you really don't want to get off of the couch. So the house is our of control. I won't be making the Lasagna. Takes too much for me to get it together today. So I will make a good stand by.
Slow-Cooker Beans. I know sounds kinda boring and well, strange. We eat a lot of burritos in the house. I mean, we do live in the Old Mexico portion that was taken over by the U.S. At least, that was what I was taught in school. So we have all been raised on great Mexican food. With a pot of beans, I can make cornbread and veggies and go southern. Or, I can cook some meat and make burritos or tacos. Very versatile and not time consuming. They really can even sit over night and we can use them tomorrow.
Here is the recipe for Slow-Cooker Beans.
3 Cups Pinto beans (you can use really any kind. I have used all sorts.)
1/2 of an onion chopped
2-3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 TBL of oil ( I like olive or grape - Healthier)
Enough water or broth (I really like Vegetable broth) to fill pot 2/3 full.
1) Wash and pick through the beans.
2) Put beans in the crock with water. More then cover them. I prefer filtered water.
3) Cook on high for one hour. Dump water and wash beans through a colindar .
( We call this the toot water. If you don't do this part you will be sorry with a stomach ache and very bad gas. Not pretty!!)
4) Put beans back in the pot with broth or water. Add onion, garlic, and oil.
5) Cook on high for about 5-6 hours.
6) When beans are tender, add Salt and Pepper to taste. Salt should be added last as they will make the beans tough.
Refried Beans
Take about 2 cups of the beans you made (maybe the day before) and some of the juice. Put it in a small skillet with a little oil in the bottom. Heat and Mash as you go. I use an old potato masher. Continue With the heat and mashing until the liquid evaporates and you have the consistency that you want.
Hope you enjoy the recipe. I love my slow-cooker so there will be many recipes on here for it. I also love the blog A Year of Slow Cooking . She is the bomb when it comes to great recipes in the crock.
O.K. I get to change the yucky sheets now, and referee my "littles" .
Today I was going to make a new Slow- Cooker Lasagna. But, my cell phone just died ( see I didn't thank God for that yesterday. See last post.), my oldest gets home from Jr. High church camp ( a whole other story), my little son threw up in said older sons bed last night (not going to go over well when he gets home), I was sick for a couple of days- the kind where you really don't want to get off of the couch. So the house is our of control. I won't be making the Lasagna. Takes too much for me to get it together today. So I will make a good stand by.
Slow-Cooker Beans. I know sounds kinda boring and well, strange. We eat a lot of burritos in the house. I mean, we do live in the Old Mexico portion that was taken over by the U.S. At least, that was what I was taught in school. So we have all been raised on great Mexican food. With a pot of beans, I can make cornbread and veggies and go southern. Or, I can cook some meat and make burritos or tacos. Very versatile and not time consuming. They really can even sit over night and we can use them tomorrow.
Here is the recipe for Slow-Cooker Beans.
3 Cups Pinto beans (you can use really any kind. I have used all sorts.)
1/2 of an onion chopped
2-3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 TBL of oil ( I like olive or grape - Healthier)
Enough water or broth (I really like Vegetable broth) to fill pot 2/3 full.
1) Wash and pick through the beans.
2) Put beans in the crock with water. More then cover them. I prefer filtered water.
3) Cook on high for one hour. Dump water and wash beans through a colindar .
( We call this the toot water. If you don't do this part you will be sorry with a stomach ache and very bad gas. Not pretty!!)
4) Put beans back in the pot with broth or water. Add onion, garlic, and oil.
5) Cook on high for about 5-6 hours.
6) When beans are tender, add Salt and Pepper to taste. Salt should be added last as they will make the beans tough.
Refried Beans
Take about 2 cups of the beans you made (maybe the day before) and some of the juice. Put it in a small skillet with a little oil in the bottom. Heat and Mash as you go. I use an old potato masher. Continue With the heat and mashing until the liquid evaporates and you have the consistency that you want.
Hope you enjoy the recipe. I love my slow-cooker so there will be many recipes on here for it. I also love the blog A Year of Slow Cooking . She is the bomb when it comes to great recipes in the crock.
O.K. I get to change the yucky sheets now, and referee my "littles" .
What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?
Isn't that something to think about? That got me going. How thankful am I? Oh I do the Thank you God for my family and for our health,... But, do I thank him for the air I breath? For the warm sun? (although we are on day 38 of below 80 degrees in Southern California. This is August!!) I will ask the kids that one today and see what answers I get. Should be interesting since they always surprise me. Although, I am sure a "Thank you for my DS." Will be in there somewhere. And yet, I might slip in a thank you for my cell phone. OOO I said it.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Why Sweet Tea?
For my flagship post, I guess it would be best to tell how the name came about. I was born in the South. Tennessee to be exact. But, moved even more south when I was very young. However, most people don't think Orange County, CA as being south. Funny, if you look on a map it is quite a bit more south than Tennessee. With that said, I am a southern girl at heart but, am also a California girl. Strange combo but, it does make me who I am. My whole family is southern and I was raised by a very twangy TN girl. I actually had to learn that I was saying words the wrong way. Words like GREAZY, don't really mean anything to normal talking people. And when you order Salmon in a restaurant, don't pronounce the L. You will get giggled at.
In CA nobody drinks "sweet tea". Most people aren't even sure what it is. They think putting one of those packets of chemicals makes it sweet tea. I have to inform them that it truly isn't. Not too long ago a Chick-fil-a moved in near our home church. You suddenly noticed all of the transplants from the south that had moved here. All of them drinking there sweet tea like it was an afternoon martini. A guilty pleasure. Yet, I'm not sure why they thought it a guilty pleasure except they lived in Southern California now and sugar is BAD. People here like sugar free and diet. Although even that is going out of style. You can drink coffee here without a sideways look. Otherwise, you should probably drink green tea. It is much better for you. YUCK! O.K. I have been known to sip some green tea if I was desperate for something warm to drink. But, how is a caramel machiato better for you than a good old fashioned sweet tea. I have decided I will make it fashionable to drink sweet tea here. I have been seen walking across our terribly large and hot church campus with a mason jar filled with crushed ice and homemade sweet tea, to share with a friend that had worked all day. Funny how a mason jar makes it all the more desirable. Others will ask, "Where did you get that?!" The next question is, "You know how to MAKE sweet tea???"
I have a friend who thinks it is funny when she talks to me and I will say, "Oh just have a nice glass of sweet tea and you'll feel much better." She says that she thinks maybe sweet tea can cure anything the way I say it. I don't know if it can cure any real ailments but, I know it makes me happy and able to face the next obstacle more easily.
My blog will be about me, my family (I have 4 children and a knight in shining armor), and our lives. I will have lots of tips about parenting, home schooling, raising a teen-ager as well, as toddlers. I will share recipes (including how to make a proper cup of sweet tea the way my Grandma does). Basically, this will be a place where I can share with whoever wants to read, how we get through life with a boat load of kids, and keep our sanity most of the time. Just remember, if it gets too tough to navigate that boat, stop for a second and sip your sweet tea with me and your prospective will change. It will be more pleasant for sure.
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