This touched my heart today. I have days where I sometimes will say, " Why am I doing this? Why do I put in so much effort into what I am doing with my life and family? No one cares. No one sees. " Some days I wonder why I think that I am making any difference in the world. Couldn't I be out doing something more important? Something more rewarding? Just BE out? This is why we moms do all we do. You are important. And you are doing a job that is noticed. Just not by those around us. We are doing the job that God asked us to do. So treat yourself to an extra glass of sweet tea today and know that HE Sees you.
A place for me to put down my thoughts and ideas, recipes, crafty's, worship, and anything else that suits my fancy. Most things will be about my family, my God, my husband, my life journey.
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Christmas Cards
Yes, it is early still but, I always get my cards at (my favorite store) Target. Well, Target gets their cards in right after Halloween. That is really early. All of the good cards are gone by Thanksgiving. And since I need an absurd amount, 70 or so, if I wait they don't have enough of the ones I want. So, every year after Halloween, I pick up my ridiculous amount of Christmas cards for a great price.
That is the easy part. Usually, I try to put a picture on the card of the kids. (I mean who really needs to see me and my husband and talk about the weight we have gained, lost, gained, lost,...) That means I have to get down to the mall (I don't like the mall anymore now that I have 4 kids) Around Thanksgiving to get the Santa picture. It all seems so timely. And a huge bother. I do love the picture of the kids but, I get tired of having to always beat the crowds.
This year I am really excited. Our church offered free Christmas pictures at the new campus that we are opening on Christmas Eve. Well, they are of the whole family. (Yes, everyone will get to see where I am in my lost, gained, lost, gained, cycle). They turned out fantastic. What is better is that we had a family picture when we moved into our last house 10 years ago. That is also 2 kids ago. We really wanted a new family picture for over the fireplace. I am thrilled to say, this picture will work and we can order the prints online so I don't have to stand in line with all of the kids.
All I have to do now is get all of the addresses in the computer again so I can print up address labels. And stuff them, and write in them, and...
Have you done your cards yet? How do you do yours?
I will be posting some new baby tips in the next post in honor of my cute niece that is due Thanksgiving with her first baby.
That is the easy part. Usually, I try to put a picture on the card of the kids. (I mean who really needs to see me and my husband and talk about the weight we have gained, lost, gained, lost,...) That means I have to get down to the mall (I don't like the mall anymore now that I have 4 kids) Around Thanksgiving to get the Santa picture. It all seems so timely. And a huge bother. I do love the picture of the kids but, I get tired of having to always beat the crowds.
This year I am really excited. Our church offered free Christmas pictures at the new campus that we are opening on Christmas Eve. Well, they are of the whole family. (Yes, everyone will get to see where I am in my lost, gained, lost, gained, cycle). They turned out fantastic. What is better is that we had a family picture when we moved into our last house 10 years ago. That is also 2 kids ago. We really wanted a new family picture for over the fireplace. I am thrilled to say, this picture will work and we can order the prints online so I don't have to stand in line with all of the kids.
All I have to do now is get all of the addresses in the computer again so I can print up address labels. And stuff them, and write in them, and...
Have you done your cards yet? How do you do yours?
This is my cute little troop. |
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
World Domination
A friend wrote on Facebook that her baby was up at 5:45 this morning. The morning she really had planned to sleep in. Now the baby was asleep an hour later and she is awake.
My reply is simple. They know our schedules and deepest desire for sleep and the plan of all children the world round, is to defeat all mom's extra sleep. They believe that a tired mama is easier to manipulate to get their way. They may have something there. Maybe the plan is much bigger, world domination.... Hahahaha.. Evil laugh.
Yea, lack of sleep here too. Obviously. The slap happiness is a dead ringer.
Even funnier is that I was talking to another friend this morning and was telling her how I have taken the highchairs out of the kitchen. There wasn't enough space. I replaced them with a plastic picnic bench. Yea, like that is a relaxing meal waiting to happen. My husband says after the littles have been up 15 times, "Where are the highchairs?"
"Gone. There wasn't enough room." I think he would have rather stepped around them then watch me get up so many times during dinner. I would have never let my first 2 get away with that. They sat in a highchair until they were... I don't know 4. It was clean and easy. Little girl is 2. I don't know what I was thinking.
I am waiting for the landlord to call and ask why is the water bill so high. How do you explain it is because my little ones take at least 2 baths a day because it is the best place to put them so they will sit still and are happy so I can get something done. (I don't leave them alone. I will work in the bathroom or sit the 13 year old in the room with a book. Then everyone is happy). They are the cleanest kids in town.
My favorite time of day is the end of the day when we are all bathed (hm a trend?) and in jammies. Everyone is in bed. I can plop on the couch and watch something. Anything. I'm tired it doesn't really matter what it is.
I love my kids dearly. They are fun and precious. I wonder why we don't have kids when we are younger and have more energy? Oh yea, because then we are kids ourselves.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My Giving Jar Project
You are probably wondering why I have a calendar on my blog. Two in fact. well, I decided to make a giving jar. It is a way for my kids and the ones in our bible study class, to learn about blessings and giving. Really about serving others. Since we are called to serve others. To love others. This is another way to do that.
If you look at each day there is a task to do. All of the tasks involve giving a small amount of coins. Each one will give you the opportunity to talk about others that might night have all that we do. Our children aren't so much spoiled as they are unknowing. How can they be truly spoiled when they know nothing else? No other way than how we live. The other day another child on our street saw that we had a T.V. in our car. He was blown away. It struck me as so odd because all of the people we know have T.V.s in their car. In fact I know children that have never been in a car without one. Yet this child had never seen one. My kids were shocked at his reaction. How shocked would they be to meet a child that doesn't own shoes? This isn't a lesson in guilt but, in gratitude and serving. Is loving and caring for others.
We will go through each day and fill up the jar according to each task. Then at the end of the project on December 14th ( that is the last day of our bible study class until our break), we will donate our gift to the churches food pantry. Since it will be the Christmas season, there will be an even greater need there. Now these small children, 10 year olds will be able to say that they were able to help feed someone with just a few coins. I hope you enjoy my calendar and decide to use it with your kids. Enjoy.
Cream of Broccoli Soup
We had a cool spell last week. It actually rained. Back to hot weather again this week. Well, I took advantage of the cool weather last week and made soup a couple of times. One of them is my oldest sons favorite and he asks all the time for it. I don't know why I don't make it more often for him (except it is very rich) but, here it is:
Cream of Broccoli Soup
6 cups of milk ( I used whole)
1/2 cup of heavy cream
One big bunch of Broccoli
Salt and pepper to taste
3 TBL butter
3 TBL flour
- First steam the broccoli.
- Take out the broccoli and pull out a few nice looking pieces. The rest of the broccoli, cut up into small pieces. Then mash them with a potato masher. Pulverize it pretty good.
- After it is steamed I lifted out the steamer and put the flour and butter in the bottom of the pan and made a roue. (Just stir until thick but, don't let it burn).
- Then poured the milk in and the cream. I turned down the heat to medium, and cooked until it started to thicken.
- Now add both the pulverized and the nice pieces of broccoli to the milk.
- Continue stirring until it becomes thick. Do not let it boil.
- Add salt and pepper to taste.
That is it. Not too hard and quite fattening. It really is good. Everyone at it here. Even the little ones.
Hope you like it too.
Friday, October 29, 2010
![]() |
My steno pad can hold so many ideas, thoughts, recipes, and more. |
Every day I make a To Do list. I have a steno pad just for this purpose. It is the perfect size. It will fit in a book bag easily and can be dropped in the crack between the center console and the drivers seat in the car. I leave it open to the page I am on and I can use it all day. I can also write any notes I might need on the other side or flip a page. I will sometimes use it to write down a recipe I want to try or a phone number of someone I want to call. As long as I am using that pad of paper I have the info in there. When I am done with a pad, I will thumb through it and pull anything out of it anything I might want. Sometimes I will pull out stuff I don't need and throw the used pad in a bottom drawer in my desk if it has info I may need later (conversation with an insurance man, or notes on the car repair).
I will open the pad to a new page for the day and visually cut the page into 4 sections. From the top left, TO DO. Top right, TO CALL. Bottom left TO GO/APPT (appointments). Bottom right, TO BUY.
To Do is pretty self explanatory. The To Buy isn't my whole grocery list or Target run, although I may write -See List under there if there is a big shopping list for today. Mostly it is for the odd items that you remember at odd times. Like," Prizes for kids at church." Nail polish remover. something you may not go for today but, put on the big list later. Or it might be an item you get all by itself, like stamps. To Call I might put in any e-mails I need to send or answer as well. To Go/Appt is just that. Where I need to go. Whether I have several stops and don't want to forget to pick up dry cleaning or it is an appointment I have that day, either out of the house or a service person to come. It can be a reminder of the time my son's writing class is, or what time the dentist appointment is.
Well, like most of you, I don't always get everything done on the list everyday. In fact there is never enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done. Right? Well, my husband and I are really working on our relationship with God and what he wants for us to do with the time he has blessed us with. It is really hard to do everything else much less fit in what I need to do to grow in Christ. So tonight we went to bible study. It was about managing my time. I wanted to laugh. It talked about writing a time journal just like you would do a food journal if you were on a diet. I am thinking, are you kidding? Didn't you hear me I don't have time. I have a husband, 4 kids, I home school and I don't have a house keeper. Did I mention I have 4 kids and one of them is 2!? When will I have time to write down all of the stuff I do all day!!?? How detailed do you think I should do it? Little girl has a runny nose because she is cutting her 2 year molars. Do you have any idea how much time I spend in a day wiping noses? Really. It is a lot of time. Well, I am still working on that in my mind but, I did really glean a big nugget of information that I will use starting tomorrow morning.
I have read that there are 5 purposes for our life. They are to worship, to fellowship, to discipleship, to serve others and to share Jesus. It occurred to me that I remember a teacher in school doing the pickle jar visual years ago. It goes something like this. You put bigger rocks in the jar until it is full. These are the things that God wants you to do. Read His word, pray. Then you say yes it is full. Then you put in the small pebbles, being careful to shake them into the crevices. These are your "have to's". Now the jar is for sure full. Then you pick up the sand and shake it into every empty crack in the jar. These are the things that come up that aren't planned for. A cold, flat tire, helping a friend pick up her kids, making dinner for a sick friend. Now the jar couldn't be any fuller. Now you put in the water. Slowly and steady until the jar is now full. This is all of the time you have left to do the things you want to do. Recreation. You would be surprised how much you can fit into your "full day" when you put things in their proper order. If you will put God first the rest will fit right in.
Tomorrows To Do list will have 5 new things on it.
- Worship - I can turn on a CD while the kids and I do chores in the morning. That will put us in the proper frame of mind.
- Fellowship- that one is easy for me. On 2 days a week we are at the church working with other believers. On the others I talk on the phone to my dear friend who encourages and challenges me to stretch and be radical. Not to mention all of the other friends and family I talk to and visit with daily.
- Discipleship
- Serve others- this one is going to take some thought. What can I do for someone today that will serve them? Make a meal to take to someone? Bake cookies to share with a lonely neighbor? Send a thoughtful note to a busy and overwhelmed friend.
- Share Jesus- My hardest. Who can I share the gospel with today? I heard that the longer you are a Christian the less amount of unchurched friends you have. Also, the less likely you are to tell someone else the Good News. (That one scared me. That is complacency.) I guess I should just look around and start speaking up. I can share the gospel anywhere I go. A neighbor, the check out guy at Trader Joe's ( here we come Mr. Ken).

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Organized for Christmas

Who am I kidding? I haven't even finished unpacking all of the boxes from our move 6 months ago. How am I going to organize my Christmas?! I am now laughing at myself for writing that title.
Well, in the past I have used a site called Organized . I love it. I do have a sick fetish for forms. I don't know why, but, blank forms get me really excited about what I could do with them. Besides that point, I do use the site to make a Christmas notebook. I know it sounds tedious but, it really makes it so much easier. Everything you need to do for the holiday season as a whole is in one place. All of the special recipes (Jesus Cake), Christmas lists from the past couple of years (you would not believe how many times I have tried to buy the same thing 2 years in a row for someone), kids sizes, Christmas card list, etc. The different things to put in here are really limitless. The trick is to only put in what you will really use. I really like so many of them but, I really wouldn't use the memories page because I have a separate family book for that. I do however love that all of my advent things are in one place. (OH I am so excited to share some of those with you. I think you will really love it),
The site also has a Christmas Countdown Calendar. I know it is still October but, I am telling you if you will start just a little early, you will also get to enjoy the holiday time as much as everyone you are trying to make it great for. Their Calendar started just a few days ago. Don't think you are behind, you can catch up. Besides you will probably not do everything on their calendar. You have to make it your own. Remember, I love skeletons so I can fill them out. That is true of a recipe, curriculum, even an organized calendar.
I hope you love it. I will be making a new notebook this year I am afraid. I haven't found mine since the move and I don't want to wait to start.
Oh inside information from using this for several years. Target has the best Christmas cards for the best price. Only, you have to get them soon. The sell out right after Halloween (or Reformation Day as some of my friends call it).
Maybe I have inspired you to do the Organized Christmas Countdown Calendar with me. If I have, please share with me what you are doing and how it is working for you. O.K.?
How Long Will Ground Hog Day Last?

Have you ever watched that movie Groundhog Day? It's not a very good movie but, the concept strikes a cord with most of us at times. The plot of the movie is that Bill Murray's character gets stuck replaying the same day over and over again. Supposedly, until he gets it "right". It takes him quite a few tries until it finally occurs to him that he should really try to get it right. Even if no one notices or remembers.
Funny, it sounds like a mom's life to me. A mom is eternally stuck in Ground Hog's day. We wash the same clothes, clean the same dishes, scrub the same toilets, dust the same furniture, vacuum the same carpet. When you have a cleaning day where you have the opportunity to clean for a good portion of the day, which we know is virtually impossible if any of your kids are at home, you feel good about getting so much accomplished. That is where the problem lies. You have accomplished something. You have cleaned. Doesn't anyone else see what a huge accomplishment that is? It is huge!! Especially if there was a baby or small child involved in the whole thing. The bummer is no one usually really notices, unless we don't do it. Then everyone notices.
Isn't it weird how you will get up one morning and catch a glimpse of the mirror and think, "why is there dust there again? Didn't I just do that?" I wish once you did it the furniture would stay dusted. Nothing stays the same.
I am in a difficult time in my families growing up time when it comes to cleaning. With 4 kids, there is always something or someone that needs to be cleaned. Unfortunately, neither can they do it themselves or really care if it is done. My daughter is potty training. Since we started it we have had some terrible cleaning "issues" pop up. Do you know there are just some things that poop won't come off of? And then some you don't know where to start to get it clean. Confession, I have thrown things away. Perfectly good things with a bit of poop on it that I just couldn't stand the thought of messing with.
Well, I am telling you that it is O.K. We, as moms, just have to be patient. Our rewards are in the re-dos. The carpet and laundry will eventually get finished one day and those little bodies that make everything so dirty, they will move away. Grow up and have their own little messes to re-clean. I dare say we will miss the busyness. And I can only imagine and pray that my children will remember that we did so much for them. Well, I can dream can't I?
Truth is, they don't notice a whole lot of what we do. They would totally notice if they didn't have clean undies. That is when the appreciation starts. When they move out and no one puts clean undies and socks on their bed. No one tells them to wash their hands and come eat dinner. (that they didn't have to cook). If you don't believe me, hold some all of their socks hostage. Or better than that, hold their favorite jeans or shirt hostage (they would probably just go sock less anyway). They will appreciate you and a few things you do then.
In the mean time, grab a glass of tea and call a friend on the phone while you do the dishes. It is so much nicer to do "Ground Hog" day with someone else that is doing it too. I have noticed that I actually clean faster when I am visiting with a friend. Maybe because I will stay on task and chug away at what I am doing instead of getting distracted. And the tea? Well, it just gives me sense that, "all is right with the world". At least until I get to the bottom of it.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sharing my love one glass of tea at a time.
Tea=Love |
Well, I guess I am not so popular with other staffers now. Word got out that I brought her homemade sweet tea and it got a little ugly (not really ugly ). One lady asked my friend for a "sip" then didn't want to give the cup back. Another staffer says, "Well, you know where I am from. Where is mine?" I didn't know he was from Texas. Dude, you don't have a drawl and you were flip flops. Everyday. How am I supposed to know. I am truly sorry I have excluded so many. I think it made my friend a little giddy that she was in possession of something so truly sought after and it meant someone loved her. (We all understand that food = love. In this case Tea = love).
My dear friends and co-leaders of Kid's Small Group, I will be bringing a gallon jug next week. Do you think one will be enough? I don't want anyone to feel unloved so, I will make that small gesture.
Who can you show a little love to and share a glass of sweet tea? You will be surprised how it will make people smile.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Bean Soup
I have looked at those bags at the grocery that says 17 bean soup. They look pretty but, kinda... I don't know, vegetarian. Well, I finally decided to go for and just try it. So, here is the recipe I used. (You know I had to use my crock-pot).
1 bag of 17 bean soup (if there is a flavor packet, throw it away. It can't be good for you).
1 10 oz can Rotel
1 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes
1 onion
1 box of vegetable broth
2 cloves of garlic
Italian seasoning (basil, oregano, parsley)
salt and pepper to taste
-First I rinsed the beans in a colander and pulled out any bad ones or rocks, etc.
-Then put them in a slow cooker with water. Fill enough water to fill the the crock 2/3 to 3/4 full.
-Put the crock on high for one hour to an hour and a half.
-After the hour is up, pour the beans into a colander again dumping all of the water. Rinse the beans again.(This gets rid of the gassy water. This is instead of soaking overnight.)
Return beans to crock. Add all other ingredients except the salt. (Cooking beans in salt results in tough beans). Including adding extra water to fill crock up until it is 3/4 full.
- Cook for about 8 hours on high. You can cook for longer if you like.
-Add Salt at the end for flavor.
The verdict: My husband loved them. He actually ate half the pot alone. Also, very good the next day. We put it over pasta the second day.
Rotel is so good. I had never used it because we couldn't find it here in California. Now that I found it at Target and if was on sale for .87 a can.
Try the recipe and let me know what you think.
1 bag of 17 bean soup (if there is a flavor packet, throw it away. It can't be good for you).
1 10 oz can Rotel
1 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes
1 onion
1 box of vegetable broth
2 cloves of garlic
Italian seasoning (basil, oregano, parsley)
salt and pepper to taste
-First I rinsed the beans in a colander and pulled out any bad ones or rocks, etc.
-Then put them in a slow cooker with water. Fill enough water to fill the the crock 2/3 to 3/4 full.
-Put the crock on high for one hour to an hour and a half.
-After the hour is up, pour the beans into a colander again dumping all of the water. Rinse the beans again.(This gets rid of the gassy water. This is instead of soaking overnight.)
Return beans to crock. Add all other ingredients except the salt. (Cooking beans in salt results in tough beans). Including adding extra water to fill crock up until it is 3/4 full.
- Cook for about 8 hours on high. You can cook for longer if you like.
-Add Salt at the end for flavor.
The verdict: My husband loved them. He actually ate half the pot alone. Also, very good the next day. We put it over pasta the second day.
Rotel is so good. I had never used it because we couldn't find it here in California. Now that I found it at Target and if was on sale for .87 a can.
Try the recipe and let me know what you think.

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Bumpkin Cake or Panana Cake
I couldn't get them to let me take the picture before they ate it. |
This is a recipe that I modified from a magazine. (Big surprise. I make a recipe the way I want to). The original recipe is from the October issue of Parents magazine.
Check it out to compare : Parents Magazine Oct. 2010
Mine is a little different also because I wanted to use my bread maker instead of using the oven. Even though it is fall, it is pretty warm here. We had such a cold summer but, our fall is hot. Well, here is the recipe I made. It was really good. Hope you like it.
1 package of white cake mix (I used Trader Joe's brand)
1 cup mashed bananas
1 cup pumpkin puree (either mashed fresh or canned)
1 tsp. cinnamon
(1/4 cup brown sugar if you use the TJ's brand it isn't very sweet)
Mix cake according to directions on the box omitting the water or milk.
Mix in the the pumpkin, banana and cinnamon.
If using a bread machine make it according to a one pound quick bread or cake setting. I had to add an extra 10 minutes to the baking time.
If baking in oven: bake at 375 degrees.
Pour cake batter in a greased 9" loaf pan.
Bake for 50 minutes or until toothpick comes out fairly clean. (It is like a banana bread so moist is good).
Dump out of loaf pan and let cool completely before frosting.
4 oz. cream cheese, softened (I used the whipped kind. That was all that I had.)
1/4 cup of softened butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup of powdered sugar
Beat cream cheese and butter until well blended.
Add vanilla and mix.
Slowly add powdered sugar until thoroughly blended.
Frost cake and enjoy!!
Verdict: It was really good. Different but, good. Really moist. Cream cheese frosting is always surprising to me, tangy but, sweet.
Let me know if you make it and how you like it. I love to hear feedback.
Pumpkin Pie Soup
Funny view but, I wanted you to see the soup itself. |
I used to make this for my preschool class years ago and love to do it for my kids on National Pumpkin day, which was on Sept. 29th. I really think I could add a sugar and cinnamon "chips" made from tortillas to go with it next time. Here it is, I hope you enjoy it.
6 cups of canned pumpkin
6 cups milk
3-4 TBL Butter
1/4-1/2 cup of Brown Sugar
Cinnamon and Nutmeg to taste
1 dribble of Vanilla (about a teaspoon)
Put it all in the crock-pot and turn it on low. Heat until warm. That is it. You could do it in a pan on the stove as well. Don't boil or over cook. The milk will get yucky. I will leave it in the crock for a few hours and let the kids drink it out of coffee cups.
Verdict: Yummy and sweet. Full of Vitamin A. I am not a big pumpkin fan so, I just like a little. My 2nd son LOVES it and drank probably 4 cups by himself. I ended up sending some to the neighbor kids house to share with his family. They loved it as well. Hope you enjoy it.
Friday, October 8, 2010
My Knight in Shining Armor

There are several things I want to post next but, it is a midnight rambling time of night so, I guess here I go again. I am so very blessed with one of the most wonderful men on the planet. I married him because I recognized it rather quickly and knew if I didn't snatch him up, someone else would see how great he was and grab him. So I did. I have never looked back or had a doubt as to the choice I made. For once in my young life I had made the right decision. I wasn't always so good at that. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me up to that point in my life. I was young when we started dating. 18 and it was only the Christmas after I graduated high school. We got married 2 1/2 years later. I look back on the first date we had, the day after Christmas, 1990. I never saw this as a potential for anything but a mellow fun time. Nothing serious or heavy. Boy, was I wrong. Funny how God takes our "plans" for our lives and says, "you know this could be o.k. but, I have something even better planned for you. "
He was so fun and made me feel,... like me. I didn't really know who I was or what I wanted out of life but, when I was with him I could laugh and really think about what I believed and wanted to do. Funny the only issues I ever had with his and mines relationship was I really thought it was more of a friendship. At first, that is really what I thought. Then, oh just a fun night out. But, he grew on me. Yes, like a fungus. No really. I couldn't shake the sense of "home" when I was around him. Comfort. Security. Strength. Not just his strength, he made me feel strength in me that I didn't realize I had. That was intoxicating. Strength. I had always believed I was... weak, fragile. That I needed others to make me anything. But, he made me feel that I could do anything. Even without someone holding my hand.
That strength became key to my life. We dedicated our engagement and then marriage to God. And tried to do that with everything else as time went on. Houses, cars, jobs, kids. All of it, we really tried to dedicate and thank God for them daily. We both grew leaps and bounds in our faith as each year went by. To grow in our faith and our strength in Jesus, comes trials. Oh my, we have had a few. The beginning of our marriage was plagued with me getting very sick. I had developed Crohn's disease. It was awful. I wanted to hide. Here is my wonderful new husband and the things going on with me were very less then lovely or beautiful. He was fantastic. He did so much for me and it strengthened us in our faith and in our relationship. Amazing how something so nasty could turn into a little cement to hold us firmer together.
Bought our first home. Had our first baby. Things were great. Then my husband faced some stressful choices about work and our family and the direction we were going. These times were difficult for us and caused me to go to my knees and to realize that I needed God even more. That I wanted to be re-baptized. (First time was done under worry and stress). My husband ended up on his knees about the same time and we were baptized on the same day.
Then came baby number 2..... So much to say about him. He was a beautiful big baby. Almost 10 pounds. But, it became clear quickly something was wrong with him. Super long story (and an incredible one at that) he was very sick. As horrible as those 4 months were I learned to lean on God like I had never leaned before. We knew that the only way we could get through that terrible time in our life was to lean hard on God. God worked huge miracles for us during that time. Things that the doctors said would never happen, did. Things they said he would never do, he does. He is such a miracle. Again my husband and I grew stronger in each other and our faith.
Long time of prosperity and blessings came 6 years after baby 2 we decided to have baby 3. He was a difficult pregnancy. I was on bed rest for 5 months. That seemed to me an impossible feat. My personality didn't do well laying in a bed. But, I did and my husband cared for me and the kids. What a wonderful guy. This scary time really put some of mine and my husbands beliefs to the test. My life was in danger as well as the babies, and it was really hard to lay there each hour and pray that God would get us through this terrifying time. Of course he did and our faith grew (see a theme yet?). Baby 3 came into the world with a bit of fanfare. He was early and it scared me terribly that he would be sick. (after #2 it was hard not to worry). Everything ended up great and fine. Thanks again God!
Well, with so much space between baby 2 and baby 3, it seemed only right to have a 4th. When I was pregnant this time, things around us were changing. My husbands work slowed down a lot. We didn't worry too much. God had always provided a way out of trouble for us before. When baby number 4 surprised us all by being a girl after 3 boys, we were in shock. Thrilled but, shocked none the less. My husband was actually speechless. Made the doctor laugh. She came in with much excitement. We were at church and I was in full labor. I didn't want to leave, it was a good sermon and labor always takes hours. I had plenty of time. Well, not so much as I thought. She was born just an hour or so after my husband made me go to the hospital. Incredible!
With the birth of our little girl, my husband didn't have anymore work. We weren't sure what to do. We used up the savings, and the credit cards. Then we missed house payments. Now it was really bad. Like so many people we were contacted by the bank, they wanted to "work a deal". They called it a modification. Well, it made it worse and worse. Finally, we were going to lose the house. Not just a house, but our home of ten years. We were both sick with grief and sorrow. Why would God desert us after all we had been through in our lives with Him by our side? Why would he leave us now? God brought us a buyer so we didn't lose the house. We just both thought we were robbed. We had believed this was our opportunity to move to the south to help my grandma and live on a farm. A dream we had for many years. Well, at the last possible moment, that fell through. Now what? You can imagine the crying out to God we did. Daily, hourly. My husband struggled with our situation. His entire identity was being turned into something he didn't recognize. Still calling out to God. Growing even stronger in each other.
Well, my daughter is now 2. Which means our lives completely started to change 2 years ago. We now live in a much smaller duplex. I drive a 1993 suburban with lots of miles on it ( we paid cash from the sale of the house). We call her Suzy. She is much easier to load up all of the kids and groceries, etc. We don't go and do many of the things we used to. My husbands work has been much leaner since all of the changes, but, we are able to make our rent and feed our family. Both of us are making time to volunteer at the church. Sunday has become Our Lord's day to our family. A day of rest in Him and each other. We have learned to make more time for God and what He wants for us. Our kids are happy. They like where we live now. Actually better, they say, then the old place. We aren't totally settled in but, we'll get there. Besides, God is using us and we are supposed to "travel light" right? My husband and mines marriage is even stronger than before. We have less materially but, we have so much more than we ever have. He is still my knight and my safe place. We are learning to really lean on God. He provides us our daily bread.
It is really interesting how when I look back over my life with this wonderful man, the times that were the worst, scariest, most painful were the times that we clung to each other all the more and helped each other to look heavenward. I truly think that is what we are supposed to do for each other. Be the navigator. Keep each other looking forward. Remember in the bible when the angels came to get Lot and his family out of Sodom and Gomorah. The angels said to them not to look back. Poor Lot's wife couldn't let go of the past. She had to look back just one more time. Tried to take one more lingering look at her past life. Then she turned to a pillar of salt. How did Lot not look back at her at that moment and turn into one himself? Genesis 19:26. Jesus points out to us Christians in Luke 17:32 to not be like Lot's wife. He is telling us not to look back at our old life. I have been given many blessings in my life. Especially in the 20 years that God has blessed me so far with this wonderful man. I want to not be like poor Lot's wife (who isn't even named in the bible) and look at all that I am leaving behind or that has been taken away. Which is it? Taken or saved from. Has our old life of prosperity been taken from us or are we being saved from it? I am not sure even what we would be saved from.

I want to move forward and hold on to the blessings I have. I want to be ready to go and do whatever the Lord would have me do for him. I am realizing that evangelism isn't something that just happens. I have to step out of my comfort zone and I have to do it when God prompts. Not when I am good and ready. So Lord, I am grateful for this wonderful strong man that makes me laugh and feel good about who I am. Who loves his kids and really enjoys spending time with them. I am grateful for the little blessings of these four children, and am excited to see where you lead them. And Lord I am ready to lead in your army. I am an able body and mind. Use me Lord. Show me the right path to go. Even though it will be rocky and curvy, with my incredible family, we will trudge forward. Thank you Lord.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
10 and 10
What was the last 10 years of your life like? Was it hard? Exciting? Luxurious? Did you have many friends? Did you party? Did you bring anyone to Christ? Did you seek Christ? What or who did you put first?
The last 10 years of my life have been an exhilarating ride. I have been at the top of the roller coaster hill and then the bottom. I even went through several loops and corkscrews in that time. Sometimes I wanted to complain and other times I wanted to sing. What about your last 10 years? Really, stop and think about it. Just for a minute. Maybe, pull out a piece of paper and write down your age today at the bottom and your age 10 years ago. Then try to fill in the major events in your life. Marriages, births, baptisms, deaths, moves, new jobs, etc. Now add anything else you can think of. To the far right of the page, starting at the top then working your way down you could put notes about what was going on. Emotions, states of mind. How about where you were in our walk with God? Does your walk with God seem to correlate with your state of mind, emotions and your general well being?
The last 10 years of my life.....hmmm I will be doing my own personal timeline when I am done writing this and maybe even leave it in my bible to refer to it later. Maybe you could leave it in the memo section of your cell phone to refer and ponder on when you have a free minute.
Now, here is the question, did you have a plan written down for what you wanted to have happen for the last 10 years? The bible says we don't know what tomorrow will bring. James 4:14
It says,
" Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth."
Proverbs 27:1
However it also says,
Proverbs 22:3 "A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. "
Here you see God says to prepare for what is ahead. We need to ask Him and seek what he would want for our lives. He wants us to be a light and example to the world. Psalm 31:19
We are to use our blessings to bless others. Proverbs 22:9
I am not talking prosperity preaching here. I am speaking about having plans for your life in order for you to have a game plan.
Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. "
We are to use our blessings to bless others. Proverbs 22:9
I am not talking prosperity preaching here. I am speaking about having plans for your life in order for you to have a game plan.
Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. "
Then, be flexible. Be ready for God to do with you what he wants to do. You need to pray and study his word to make that game plan. Then commit it to him.
In James 4:15 it says to be flexible to God's plan. "Instead, you ought to say, IF it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."
What about your next 10 years? After looking at the last, see where you could have lived your life more to glorify HIM. Where could you have reached out to help someone else to see HIM.
If God blesses you with 10 more years on this earth, He must have a plan, a hope for you to follow. A path. He'll work the path you choose but, wouldn't it be great to work the path He has chosen? So rather then being tossed in the wind the next 10 years, sit down pray and ask God to show you what you should be working towards for this time He has given you here. Write it down. Look at it and try to really pray over the things you feel led to do, to seek, to work out.
Friday, October 1, 2010
I wanted to write a quick apology because I posted something that wasn't finished. It was still being written and I pushed it through. I have no real excuse, other then I flubbed. So, I am truly sorry. It is fixed, and the questionable content is gone. Thanks.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Mommy-dom Part 1

So many people have written about the phenomenon of Mommy-dom. It may seem over done. But, I am going to do it too. I can't help it. It is my life. I have so much fodder for this subject. It is probably going to take on a life of it's own and be more then one post. Maybe a series. It already has a life of it's own because I was writing notes on it during church. And it was a great sermon. Not a sleepy, I wish I had slept in kind of sermon either. I just couldn't stop myself. The notes came even after we got home. I don't usually write notes for my blog. It just happens. Much of what happens in Mommy-dom just happens.
It all started with a card I bought for my niece's baby shower. It was super cute. The kind you are totally proud of finding. You want to write on it, "I didn't just grab the first baby shower card I could find. I found a good one." It had a globe on it and named all of the places you will be going in Motherhood. Laundry mountain, that kind of thing. It made me giggle because it is true. Motherhood, parenthood, Mommy-dom all are words for this place we seem to go once we give birth to our little darlings. You say it won't change you, your marriage, anything. But, it does. It always does. If it didn't, well I guess you wouldn't be parenting. Not all changes are the same for everyone, But, there are many changes that everyone experiences.
I will pick one at a time and tell you how it changes for so many of us. If you have never had a baby or are about to have your first, I am giving you a rare look into the secrets behind the curtain. The secrets that we really don't share readily with soon to be parents. Why? I'm not sure. Many reasons really. Mostly, you wouldn't listen anyway and you would think we were just trying to burst your happy bubble. That isn't the case. It isn't all bad things that change. We really change as people, not just our routines, but sometimes even our values and beliefs. Sometimes you actually realize you have beliefs and values. You never thought about it intentionally before, but, you do have them.
Let's start with the obvious one. This one cannot be hidden. It is the changes in our bodies. Remember how cute your belly was in high school or in your early 20's. Yea, sorry. I do have one bizarre friend (she will know who she is), mom of 4 and has always had a flat stomach. Mine wasn't that flat when I was 10. What is worse, she loves chocolate and coffee and other nasty food we aren't supposed to love. ( We all know those things are what keep us slightly sane). People with those spectacular genes are (I am going to say it ) FREAKS!! It is not normal. I still love her though. The rest of us, well... It is really hard to get your body back to any kind of shape you had before. Especially after multiple children. Great advice if you want several children and you love your body; either adopt, or wait a good 3 years between each kid. It gives your body time to find it's shape again and your little one to stop nursing. We all know nursing is best. Not only for our little ones but, for mom. The anti-cancer claims have been very vocal on this point. I know many can't nurse or choose not to. But, I am a Boob Nazi, so I can't apologize for feeling that the breast is best advice should always be given. Boobs... will never be the same.
There is other changes in your body that you didn't expect happen as well. We all have heard the whispering of things like hemies and stretch marks. Come on, we almost expect that stuff. Here are some things that no one remembers to tell you. Your skin, it will oscillate between being very dry and flaky to getting Mount St. Zito on your chin. Some ladies have even reported growing hair our of their chin. I mean big, black icky hair. The kind you pluck.
Oh and your hair. Did anyone mention the fact that it seems to all fall out at once after the baby is here? Yea, think bald spots in visible places. The amount that came out all day was scary, the amount that came out in the shower, WOW! it looked like a mans hair rug. I could have made an entire wig about once every 2 weeks with the amount that fell out. Eventually it does come back but, until then it is really weird.
All of this and more is a natural progression. Look at the pictures of Grandmas and pictures of moms, then look at pictures of teenagers. There is a changing that is natural. Sure we all know the grandmas with the hard bodies. We have seen them. Even applaud them. But, do you think a kid really wants to snuggle up on the couch with Grandma Hard Body or squishy comfy Grandma. No one wants to be known as squishy but, it does make a more comfy cuddle option. Besides how many teenagers really want their mom in a skimpy hot bikini when their friends come over. Yes, I know about the mom's that are "hot". The ones that are cool and beautiful but, REALLY? I seriously doubt many kids really want that to be their mom.
Which will bring us to the next topic, clothing, and more.
Dog Training Vs. Kid Training
Am I the only person who notices that people that are very into training their dogs, I mean really training them, have really chaotic kids? Why is that? I mean Dog Whisperer trained dogs. You know the ones that take their dogs out for runs 2 times a day? Their kids are wild and unruly. I have seen them scream and wear pull-ups until they are 5, but the dog would hold it's potty until the cows come home. Just an obnoxious observation today. We have so many dog walking people in out neighborhood. We have much time to observe this phenomenon. Sad really.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
A Visit From the Binky Fairy
Son number three is having a birthday this next week. Since he is turning 4 I thought it would be a great idea to start talking about the Binky Fairy. All of my children have used one. I am not sure if you know what a binky is but, in our house it is the pacifier. Well, my son seemed skeptical about giving it up. Even for a prize in it's place. And honestly, my husband did the whole, "Are you sure about this? He sleeps so good. He is a good napper." In my experience letting go of the binky can totally ruin a good napper. So after his talk, I was a little hesitant to push the Fairy visit. Well, my darling little boy tells me at bedtime that he is ready to do it. I promptly start talking him out of it. I mean, maybe it would be fine if he had it a little longer. I love nap time. It also means, as my husband put it, that we have one less baby in the house. Yes, we know he isn't a baby but, there are milestones (we've talked about these before) that choke us parents up as much as if not more than the first tooth and haircut. There are so many more things that mean your child is moving towards being an independent being. They are good things. In fact they are great. Just milestones worth taking pause over. Well, the night came and he had trouble going to sleep. So much so, I forgot to change out the Binky Box with the prize. Thankfully, my husband checked when he woke up and reminded me. I'm just glad it was a morning that the little guy ended up sleeping in. Late night and all. So the gift was exchanged (CARS Guys of course). Son wakes up and is so thrilled. He said these were special ones that the fairy must have gotten at the Fairy factory (oh there is a Fairy factory?) because he had never seen these before. I had stashed them for his birthday. Oh well, I will get him something else. The fairy gets credit for these.
Elvis and Marco are their names they are cool.
Just thought I would share one of those special milestones in our family. For the record, it has been two days. He got out of bed 2 times last night and couldn't sleep for nap yesterday. Then he didn't want to fall asleep in the car today without the binky. He finally did. Not very long yet. I think I might miss the binky more than he does.
Spending Time With Each Other
We are going to the aquarium tomorrow. My youngest son is very excited. Well, they all are. I mean, it's a field trip right? Who doesn't like a field trip. And one big enough there isn't much of a chance of being able to get home in time to do school work.
We never really did many field trips before. I guess I mean, before things started to change for us financially. It always seemed like we could do it another day. My husband needed to work, I needed to do laundry. Whatever it was, there were other things to do. We could do those neat field trips later. I guess. While my husband was out of work we spent a lot of time together as a family. Everyday really. It was strange but, kind of wonderful too. We all actually like each other. I did laugh that my husband and I were turning into my mom and dad. You know, always together. He would drop me off for my haircut appointments and come back to get me. Not to save money. Just because we were always together. All of that together time did something to us though. Something strange that you wouldn't have expected. It made us appreciate each other and the time we spend together. My husband was there to see everything we do all day and even was a part of it. Yes, we were freaked out that he wasn't working and that we might have to move into a cardboard box. But, we clung to each other more. Truth moment- I was scared. I was so scared that I could cry now thinking about it. We aren't out of the clear. We are still struggling but, God is providing for us our daily bread. That is what he has promised. We really learned to look to each other for strength and comfort. I know many couples break up or fight tremendously during financial disaster. We didn't. Don't get me wrong, our life wasn't sunshine and rainbows. We were both scared. We had just had baby number 4 and everything collapsed. What do you do?
Back to field trips. Why are they so important now? Because it occurred to us both in that time of hardship and togetherness that we don't know what is around the next bend. We don't know how much time we have. We may plan for the next 5 years but, who says God is going to give us 5 years? And (as our pastor said a couple of weeks ago) what are you going to do with them, worthwhile to deserve them? Are you spending your time always assuming you have plenty of time to do whatever? Or do you live to serve Him and love those people God has blessed you with? If it is a picnic in the park, a walk in the harbor, even a trip to the aquarium. Make the time you have here count. Don't make God sad he gave it to you. Also, speak up for Him. The neighbor you see everyday getting the mail, does he know Christ? What, are you keeping salvation a secret? Do you think God wants to have a secret society? I don't think so. I once read a mad, ranting letter from a step-daughter to her parents. She said she didn't believe in God. Also, if they did, and believed that she and everyone else that didn't give their life to Christ was going to Hell, why are we Christians so placid about it? Why don't we scream from the mountain tops? Are we so selfish we want to keep Heaven for ourselves? Whoa. what? This girl really said, that if we truly looked around us with our Christian eyes on, and thought that these people are going to burn in hell for eternity, how can we live with ourselves? Isn't saving someone from burning in hell for eternity worth a period of uncomfortable awkwardness? This really freaked me out. Try it. Look around you and who is it that says they don't believe there is a God and you think, they're entitled to their opinion. Really? Do you really believe it is an opinion? Or is it the Truth? Yes, this is a night time rant, but, this is what is in my brain tonight.
In short (too late), spend time with the ones you love. They and you won't always have each other. It could be you in the IHOP eating dinner alone, watching the other younger families eating together. Wishing you had one more day to visit with your husband, wife, kids, whoever. Don't you want to have wonderful memories of your darling ones? Better yet, hopefully they will ask you to dinner. Then, live for God. He died for you. Who would you die for?
God loves you and wants to spend time with you. So does your family. Who is it you need to spend time with? Your Grandma? Your spouse? Your kids?
End of nighttime rant. Now go love on the family God blessed you with. I'll be petting sharks tomorrow. Bye.
We never really did many field trips before. I guess I mean, before things started to change for us financially. It always seemed like we could do it another day. My husband needed to work, I needed to do laundry. Whatever it was, there were other things to do. We could do those neat field trips later. I guess. While my husband was out of work we spent a lot of time together as a family. Everyday really. It was strange but, kind of wonderful too. We all actually like each other. I did laugh that my husband and I were turning into my mom and dad. You know, always together. He would drop me off for my haircut appointments and come back to get me. Not to save money. Just because we were always together. All of that together time did something to us though. Something strange that you wouldn't have expected. It made us appreciate each other and the time we spend together. My husband was there to see everything we do all day and even was a part of it. Yes, we were freaked out that he wasn't working and that we might have to move into a cardboard box. But, we clung to each other more. Truth moment- I was scared. I was so scared that I could cry now thinking about it. We aren't out of the clear. We are still struggling but, God is providing for us our daily bread. That is what he has promised. We really learned to look to each other for strength and comfort. I know many couples break up or fight tremendously during financial disaster. We didn't. Don't get me wrong, our life wasn't sunshine and rainbows. We were both scared. We had just had baby number 4 and everything collapsed. What do you do?
Back to field trips. Why are they so important now? Because it occurred to us both in that time of hardship and togetherness that we don't know what is around the next bend. We don't know how much time we have. We may plan for the next 5 years but, who says God is going to give us 5 years? And (as our pastor said a couple of weeks ago) what are you going to do with them, worthwhile to deserve them? Are you spending your time always assuming you have plenty of time to do whatever? Or do you live to serve Him and love those people God has blessed you with? If it is a picnic in the park, a walk in the harbor, even a trip to the aquarium. Make the time you have here count. Don't make God sad he gave it to you. Also, speak up for Him. The neighbor you see everyday getting the mail, does he know Christ? What, are you keeping salvation a secret? Do you think God wants to have a secret society? I don't think so. I once read a mad, ranting letter from a step-daughter to her parents. She said she didn't believe in God. Also, if they did, and believed that she and everyone else that didn't give their life to Christ was going to Hell, why are we Christians so placid about it? Why don't we scream from the mountain tops? Are we so selfish we want to keep Heaven for ourselves? Whoa. what? This girl really said, that if we truly looked around us with our Christian eyes on, and thought that these people are going to burn in hell for eternity, how can we live with ourselves? Isn't saving someone from burning in hell for eternity worth a period of uncomfortable awkwardness? This really freaked me out. Try it. Look around you and who is it that says they don't believe there is a God and you think, they're entitled to their opinion. Really? Do you really believe it is an opinion? Or is it the Truth? Yes, this is a night time rant, but, this is what is in my brain tonight.
In short (too late), spend time with the ones you love. They and you won't always have each other. It could be you in the IHOP eating dinner alone, watching the other younger families eating together. Wishing you had one more day to visit with your husband, wife, kids, whoever. Don't you want to have wonderful memories of your darling ones? Better yet, hopefully they will ask you to dinner. Then, live for God. He died for you. Who would you die for?
God loves you and wants to spend time with you. So does your family. Who is it you need to spend time with? Your Grandma? Your spouse? Your kids?
End of nighttime rant. Now go love on the family God blessed you with. I'll be petting sharks tomorrow. Bye.
Monday, September 20, 2010
In The Comfort Zone
I went and got a haircut today. Woo Hoo!! I haven't gotten one in far too long to admit. The best part about going, is that I took my husbands truck that is so nice. I drive the Land yacht (an old Suburban). He drives a beautiful truck with leather seats, an air conditioner that works all of the time. Not just sometimes and satellite radio. Yes, that is the part I love. No static, no kids listening in and talking and I can listen to the total 80's station. I just dated myself but, that is O.K.
So, there I am listening to Prince, the Bangles, Huey Lewis and the News, and Prince. I am belting the songs out and dancing in my seat without any concern of embarrassing someone (mainly the newly teen) else in the car. You know, someone might see me and that is awful to even think about. I don't really listen to a whole lot of radio and 80's music with my kids in the car because, well, ... you know. The lyrics. They aren't really um, appropriate not only for my kids but, for a Christian to be singing. I mean, I don't think AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long", is really hymn friendly. But, man, it rocks. Well, I started thinking about this little dilemma. Why do I love to listen and sing these songs, even though I know there isn't an ounce of goodness in them. It's the comfort and familiarity. When I hear the opening few notes, I am sent into another time and place. I can remember racing down the Pacific Coast Highway with all of the windows open, my hair flying, and the music blasting. I am not wanting to go back to that time. It just feels so familiar. So comfortable. I realized, that is how Satan gets us so many times. We feel like it isn't that bad. I'm just ,______, (you plug in what it is). It is a comfortable place. It is so easy to fall into the pattern of comfort. When someone tries to break a habit, usually because it is comfortable, they want to fall back into it. Maybe you always smoke a cigarette right after dinner, or have a drink of wine after a hard day, that turns into a bottle. Maybe it is more subtle then that. Maybe, you want to start a new habit. You want to read your bible every morning, or get up and go to church on Sunday. But, in both instances, the bed is really warm and comfortable. And we make excuses. But, the truth is that the Devil knows our weak spots. He knows our comforts. He knows that if he can make us feel comfort that we don't really want to break that habit.
Comfort. From the very beginning our Mothers try to bring us comfort. She holds a special way, rocks us, maybe sings to us. All to bring us comfort. But, what so often brings us happiness can cause us to get stuck in a rut. It can make me say, I don't want to serve at church right now because it will make my Tuesday nights too busy and crazy. I don't want to help out with the Motels Ministry because it will interfere with my time I like to go to church. I don't want to go to Rwanda because it is scary and I might catch something. All of those excuses are about my comfort. Not what someone else might need. Not what God might be wanting me to do.
Matthew 8:20 and Luke 9:58 both say,
Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."
So, there I am listening to Prince, the Bangles, Huey Lewis and the News, and Prince. I am belting the songs out and dancing in my seat without any concern of embarrassing someone (mainly the newly teen) else in the car. You know, someone might see me and that is awful to even think about. I don't really listen to a whole lot of radio and 80's music with my kids in the car because, well, ... you know. The lyrics. They aren't really um, appropriate not only for my kids but, for a Christian to be singing. I mean, I don't think AC/DC's "You Shook Me All Night Long", is really hymn friendly. But, man, it rocks. Well, I started thinking about this little dilemma. Why do I love to listen and sing these songs, even though I know there isn't an ounce of goodness in them. It's the comfort and familiarity. When I hear the opening few notes, I am sent into another time and place. I can remember racing down the Pacific Coast Highway with all of the windows open, my hair flying, and the music blasting. I am not wanting to go back to that time. It just feels so familiar. So comfortable. I realized, that is how Satan gets us so many times. We feel like it isn't that bad. I'm just ,______, (you plug in what it is). It is a comfortable place. It is so easy to fall into the pattern of comfort. When someone tries to break a habit, usually because it is comfortable, they want to fall back into it. Maybe you always smoke a cigarette right after dinner, or have a drink of wine after a hard day, that turns into a bottle. Maybe it is more subtle then that. Maybe, you want to start a new habit. You want to read your bible every morning, or get up and go to church on Sunday. But, in both instances, the bed is really warm and comfortable. And we make excuses. But, the truth is that the Devil knows our weak spots. He knows our comforts. He knows that if he can make us feel comfort that we don't really want to break that habit.
Comfort. From the very beginning our Mothers try to bring us comfort. She holds a special way, rocks us, maybe sings to us. All to bring us comfort. But, what so often brings us happiness can cause us to get stuck in a rut. It can make me say, I don't want to serve at church right now because it will make my Tuesday nights too busy and crazy. I don't want to help out with the Motels Ministry because it will interfere with my time I like to go to church. I don't want to go to Rwanda because it is scary and I might catch something. All of those excuses are about my comfort. Not what someone else might need. Not what God might be wanting me to do.
Matthew 8:20 and Luke 9:58 both say,
Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."
If Jesus wasn't in comfort, why do I think I should be? Comfort versus Radical actions. HMM. I am far from being someone that is a radical. But, is that what I am called to do? I never thought of comfort and radical as being words that were necessarily opposites. But, stop and think. They are. If you are a radical are you really ever comfortable?
My family has been through so much discomfort this last year or two that I have to say, it's O.K. to be uncomfortable. It didn't kill me. I am still here. I am definitely not the same person I was before. But, I think I am a better person because of it. Does that mean that discomfort or radicalness can cause me to grow and change. That would be a YES. IF it is radicalness for Jesus and to further our Lord's kingdom then I would have to say YES. Most definitely.
So, now I have to ask myself, what am I willing to do that is Radical for God? I'm not sure. I guess, I am a little stumped there. Truth, I'm not ready for Rwanda. But, I am ready to serve more where I am needed at church. I might be ready to serve in our community. A motel ministry? O.K. That is a distinct possibility.
The biggest change has to be for me to say,"Lord, what do you want me to do? I am ready and willing to serve you in the fashion that you see best. " O.K. more truth. That is scary. With all He has done so far in our lives, what has he got in store for us now???
Also, I think I better stick to driving my Land Yacht so I don't want to listen to the 80's.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Bad Word.
Well, a bad word has made its way into my families lives. It is a little ridiculous and ... O.K. funny. It's not like we allow them to say it or any of the bad words for that matter. For goodness sakes, Stupid, is still on the list of don't say.
You are going to need a little back history. We were learning about the animals that live on the Savannah. Besides lions and zebras, there are the wild asses that roam free. PEALS of laughter. Yes, I read it. I wasn't paying attention but, I guess if that is what they are called I can't argue. I didn't name them.
Flash forward. We went to the zoo and they have a new section and there are wild donkeys. No, my boys yelled out. "Those aren't wild donkeys. They are wild asses. Dad says they are called Jack Asses. " O.K. true but, can we not yell it?
Flash forward again. The kids on the street like to do this terrible game where they do UFC fighting. These are little boys. 6-13 years old. I know what you are thinking but, the 6 year old is the worst instigator of them all. My boys are not allowed to participate in this activity. These boys get violent. I have seen neighbors that don't have kids put their heads out their windows, telling the boys to stop beating up on each other. It looks bad. Well, the 6 year old is the worst offender of this activity of them all. He doesn't get that he can't antagonize my boys into doing it anyway. So he starts kicking my 10 year old in the shins. I'm not kidding. Kicking him in the shins! O.K. I would have kicked him back. My darling son, who is not known for his self control, got mad and screamed (you see it coming don't you???!!!) , " Knock it off, you JACKASS!"
6 year old clicks into 6 year old world and yells, " I'm going to tell your mom!" And takes off running. All the other kids yelling after him not to. Well I can hear the commotion because I live in the corner house that can hear and see all. Like a watchtower.
Truth is I had a hard time when I heard what happened not saying, " Well, I guess you call them like you see them son." What do you do in this instance? What can you say? Of course I told him he couldn't use language like that (even if it were true). Well, what would you have said?
So now my children have a new "bad word" in their vocabulary, that they are not supposed to use. Yea, sure. Now I feel like the Jack Ass.
You are going to need a little back history. We were learning about the animals that live on the Savannah. Besides lions and zebras, there are the wild asses that roam free. PEALS of laughter. Yes, I read it. I wasn't paying attention but, I guess if that is what they are called I can't argue. I didn't name them.
Flash forward. We went to the zoo and they have a new section and there are wild donkeys. No, my boys yelled out. "Those aren't wild donkeys. They are wild asses. Dad says they are called Jack Asses. " O.K. true but, can we not yell it?
Flash forward again. The kids on the street like to do this terrible game where they do UFC fighting. These are little boys. 6-13 years old. I know what you are thinking but, the 6 year old is the worst instigator of them all. My boys are not allowed to participate in this activity. These boys get violent. I have seen neighbors that don't have kids put their heads out their windows, telling the boys to stop beating up on each other. It looks bad. Well, the 6 year old is the worst offender of this activity of them all. He doesn't get that he can't antagonize my boys into doing it anyway. So he starts kicking my 10 year old in the shins. I'm not kidding. Kicking him in the shins! O.K. I would have kicked him back. My darling son, who is not known for his self control, got mad and screamed (you see it coming don't you???!!!) , " Knock it off, you JACKASS!"
6 year old clicks into 6 year old world and yells, " I'm going to tell your mom!" And takes off running. All the other kids yelling after him not to. Well I can hear the commotion because I live in the corner house that can hear and see all. Like a watchtower.
Truth is I had a hard time when I heard what happened not saying, " Well, I guess you call them like you see them son." What do you do in this instance? What can you say? Of course I told him he couldn't use language like that (even if it were true). Well, what would you have said?
So now my children have a new "bad word" in their vocabulary, that they are not supposed to use. Yea, sure. Now I feel like the Jack Ass.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Mississippi Mud Cake
My husbands family got together for the Labor Day holiday to eat dinner. I brought "a little something sweet" (as my Grandma always says). It is probably a little mean of me to bring it because both of my in-laws have to take extra insulin just to have a little. Sorry. But, it was good. I didn't bring much home after. The recipe was new to me. I think it is a bit like a Texas Sheet Cake (which I LOVE!!) but, with marshmallows. I also think it would be way good with pecans on top but, my family hates nuts in cakes so. If you put nuts in it will you tell me if it was good? Thanks.
I should have taken a picture of a cut piece. The cake is a cross between cake and brownie texture. |
Mississippi Mud Cake
- 2 cups plain flour
- 2 cups sugar
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- 1 stick butter
- 1/2 cup oil
- 4 TBL unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 cup plus 1 tsp. cold water, divided
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 1/2 cup buttermilk
- 1-10 oz. bag mini marshmallows
- Sift flour, sugar, salt, and baking soda together (I just stirred them).
- Bring butter, oil, cocoa, and one cup of water to a boil.
- Add eggs, one teaspoon cold water and buttermilk. Mix well.
You will want have the icing finishing right as the cake comes out of the oven.
- 1 stick of butter
- 3 TBL Cocoa
- 6 TBL milk
- 1 -16 oz. box confectioner's sugar
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- Combine butter, cocoa and milk in a pan.
- Bring to a boil.
- Add sugar and mix well.
- Add vanilla.
- Pour over hot cake as soon as it comes out of the oven.
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