You are going to need a little back history. We were learning about the animals that live on the Savannah. Besides lions and zebras, there are the wild asses that roam free. PEALS of laughter. Yes, I read it. I wasn't paying attention but, I guess if that is what they are called I can't argue. I didn't name them.
Flash forward. We went to the zoo and they have a new section and there are wild donkeys. No, my boys yelled out. "Those aren't wild donkeys. They are wild asses. Dad says they are called Jack Asses. " O.K. true but, can we not yell it?
Flash forward again. The kids on the street like to do this terrible game where they do UFC fighting. These are little boys. 6-13 years old. I know what you are thinking but, the 6 year old is the worst instigator of them all. My boys are not allowed to participate in this activity. These boys get violent. I have seen neighbors that don't have kids put their heads out their windows, telling the boys to stop beating up on each other. It looks bad. Well, the 6 year old is the worst offender of this activity of them all. He doesn't get that he can't antagonize my boys into doing it anyway. So he starts kicking my 10 year old in the shins. I'm not kidding. Kicking him in the shins! O.K. I would have kicked him back. My darling son, who is not known for his self control, got mad and screamed (you see it coming don't you???!!!) , " Knock it off, you JACKASS!"
6 year old clicks into 6 year old world and yells, " I'm going to tell your mom!" And takes off running. All the other kids yelling after him not to. Well I can hear the commotion because I live in the corner house that can hear and see all. Like a watchtower.
Truth is I had a hard time when I heard what happened not saying, " Well, I guess you call them like you see them son." What do you do in this instance? What can you say? Of course I told him he couldn't use language like that (even if it were true). Well, what would you have said?
So now my children have a new "bad word" in their vocabulary, that they are not supposed to use. Yea, sure. Now I feel like the Jack Ass.
lol! it could have been a worse word!