So many people have written about the phenomenon of Mommy-dom. It may seem over done. But, I am going to do it too. I can't help it. It is my life. I have so much fodder for this subject. It is probably going to take on a life of it's own and be more then one post. Maybe a series. It already has a life of it's own because I was writing notes on it during church. And it was a great sermon. Not a sleepy, I wish I had slept in kind of sermon either. I just couldn't stop myself. The notes came even after we got home. I don't usually write notes for my blog. It just happens. Much of what happens in Mommy-dom just happens.
It all started with a card I bought for my niece's baby shower. It was super cute. The kind you are totally proud of finding. You want to write on it, "I didn't just grab the first baby shower card I could find. I found a good one." It had a globe on it and named all of the places you will be going in Motherhood. Laundry mountain, that kind of thing. It made me giggle because it is true. Motherhood, parenthood, Mommy-dom all are words for this place we seem to go once we give birth to our little darlings. You say it won't change you, your marriage, anything. But, it does. It always does. If it didn't, well I guess you wouldn't be parenting. Not all changes are the same for everyone, But, there are many changes that everyone experiences.
I will pick one at a time and tell you how it changes for so many of us. If you have never had a baby or are about to have your first, I am giving you a rare look into the secrets behind the curtain. The secrets that we really don't share readily with soon to be parents. Why? I'm not sure. Many reasons really. Mostly, you wouldn't listen anyway and you would think we were just trying to burst your happy bubble. That isn't the case. It isn't all bad things that change. We really change as people, not just our routines, but sometimes even our values and beliefs. Sometimes you actually realize you have beliefs and values. You never thought about it intentionally before, but, you do have them.
Let's start with the obvious one. This one cannot be hidden. It is the changes in our bodies. Remember how cute your belly was in high school or in your early 20's. Yea, sorry. I do have one bizarre friend (she will know who she is), mom of 4 and has always had a flat stomach. Mine wasn't that flat when I was 10. What is worse, she loves chocolate and coffee and other nasty food we aren't supposed to love. ( We all know those things are what keep us slightly sane). People with those spectacular genes are (I am going to say it ) FREAKS!! It is not normal. I still love her though. The rest of us, well... It is really hard to get your body back to any kind of shape you had before. Especially after multiple children. Great advice if you want several children and you love your body; either adopt, or wait a good 3 years between each kid. It gives your body time to find it's shape again and your little one to stop nursing. We all know nursing is best. Not only for our little ones but, for mom. The anti-cancer claims have been very vocal on this point. I know many can't nurse or choose not to. But, I am a Boob Nazi, so I can't apologize for feeling that the breast is best advice should always be given. Boobs... will never be the same.
There is other changes in your body that you didn't expect happen as well. We all have heard the whispering of things like hemies and stretch marks. Come on, we almost expect that stuff. Here are some things that no one remembers to tell you. Your skin, it will oscillate between being very dry and flaky to getting Mount St. Zito on your chin. Some ladies have even reported growing hair our of their chin. I mean big, black icky hair. The kind you pluck.
Oh and your hair. Did anyone mention the fact that it seems to all fall out at once after the baby is here? Yea, think bald spots in visible places. The amount that came out all day was scary, the amount that came out in the shower, WOW! it looked like a mans hair rug. I could have made an entire wig about once every 2 weeks with the amount that fell out. Eventually it does come back but, until then it is really weird.
All of this and more is a natural progression. Look at the pictures of Grandmas and pictures of moms, then look at pictures of teenagers. There is a changing that is natural. Sure we all know the grandmas with the hard bodies. We have seen them. Even applaud them. But, do you think a kid really wants to snuggle up on the couch with Grandma Hard Body or squishy comfy Grandma. No one wants to be known as squishy but, it does make a more comfy cuddle option. Besides how many teenagers really want their mom in a skimpy hot bikini when their friends come over. Yes, I know about the mom's that are "hot". The ones that are cool and beautiful but, REALLY? I seriously doubt many kids really want that to be their mom.
Which will bring us to the next topic, clothing, and more.