What is it? A book you want to write? A place you want to go? A business you want to start? A place you want to live? I actually have a dream that is all of these.
I am stuck in the wondering and dreaming of it. We have almost done it a couple of times. We are on the cusp of taking the plunge again. But, it is scary. I know, fear is from the devil. But, let's face it; my crystal ball doesn't work and I really don't know if I'd fall flat on my face. And it isn't just me. It is my whole family.
So, do we sit here doing the same thing and keep spinning our wheels not getting anywhere? A virtual hamster wheel? Don't get me wrong. I live in a beautiful beach town with fantastic weather. But, I'm really starting to think we could do so much more.
Embarrassed to say that I have started my book several times. Actually, more then one. The notes are all still here. I keep thinking, what if I write it and the only ones that read it are family. And they make fun. Silly, I know. I need to take that step. The first step.
I've always wanted to live with a garden (big) and sell the extras. Maybe start a Christmas tree farm and Pumpkin patch with all of the excitement that goes with it for those months that you sell them. With bounce houses and carnival type booths. I've always thought it would be fun to sell homemade items. Like soap, scrubs, teas (that you grow and dry yourself), candles, and other items.
I have so many dreams and hopes. I just don't know if we have the ability to suck it up and jump.
Have you ever seen Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? The part where he steps onto the invisible bridge? It is incredible and such a parallel to life. Especially as Christians and having faith that God has it under control. When it looks impossible is when we are supposed to have the faith to step out there.
Indy arrives at a
test of faith. To reach the chamber that houses the grail, he
must first cross to the other side of a 30 - foot cavern. There is no
bridge — at least no visible bridge. To step out is to literally take
a leap of faith. And faith goes against everything he stands for
as a rational, intellectual college professor.
These dreams of mine have been in my head since my husband and I got married. Including having a cow or some chickens. I know many will think that we are crazy. I really have some even bigger dreams that go with all of this. But, I have to keep some to myself.
Well, we will continue to pray for God's direction and see if we really have the faith to step out onto that empty space in front of us....

So the question is; if we step, will the bridge be there?
And, do we have the faith and the courage to step out there?
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