Blessings come in all kinds of packages!!
So, I have heard so many sermons on being thankful. I've read blogs on being truly grateful. Goodness, one of my favorite songs to sing to the kids is "Count Your Blessings". I really only sing the chorus to it when they are falling asleep ( one of the songs they like).
It all makes me wonder, am I truly thankful for what I have. Do I consistently yearn for more? What am I modeling for my kids? Are they content and grateful? Well, we really had a test recently about being grateful for things, money, etc. And a few times we have been tested by how grateful we were for health as well as the little things. We know that God has blessed us with everything that we have. Every breath we breathe, every heartbeat, every second of everyday, God has blessed us with. I have seen photos of people in Rwanda and other 3rd world places that people walk for miles to get water. That isn't our life. If we have to drive 6 miles to a grocery, to choose what we feel like eating this week, we get frustrated. My husband and I have an ongoing debate as to which Trader Joe's to go to. The one that is 1.5 miles or the one with the nicer employees, and better parking that is 2.5 miles (can you tell which side I am on?). This is a luxury problem. Not even a problem. Why do I forget or overlook that it is a blessing to disagree on which Trader Joe's to go to. Some people don't have a grocery or the ability to choose what they eat even. I don't need to preach to you. I am just putting my own heart in the right place.
With that said, I know many people; celebrities, teachers, preachers, friends, even family, have encouraged us all to write down what we are grateful for, or maybe what makes us happy. I have a friend that for the month of February, wrote everyday on what she loved. So, I have really thought about this and have decided that I, as well as my kids, (we'll see if hubby wants to do it) will be making a list. (I know I love lists). The list will be 1,000 things that we are grateful for, thankful for and count as a blessing. Big things, little things, anything.
I will keep a running list here of mine and share some of the kids blessings they write down as they come along. I'm sure they will come up with some great ones.
I will add to it as time goes one. I am wondering how long it will take me to get to 1,000.
My Blessing List!
- Clean Water
- Clean air to breath (used to live in Corona! Stinky and smoggy).
- toothbrushes and toothpaste
- my incredible husband
- my wonderful children (I never dreamed of having 4!)
- a warm house to live in
- a car that is paid for
- my ocean view
- being saved
- our church
- dear friends
- a full pantry and refrigerator
- a great natural Doctor
- Dr. Bob
- the beach
- internet
- chocolate (I would put sweet tea but, I am fasting from it right now. I'll save that one).
- my car that is big enough to put everyone and still have room for groceries
- Trader Joe's
- Heat (it's cold today. Ha ha! 55.)
- home-schooling
- pounds dropping (albeit slowly) from the scale
- My grandmother is still alive and my kids have been to her place. (wish we could go more)
- That I can pick up the phone and talk to my mom
- Showers
- swimming pools
- books
- The Bible
- Prayer
- Learning a lesson quickly rather then banging my head too many times first.