We are moving to the farm! To the south! South Tennessee that is. We are leaving behind out beach and trading it in for a pasture. Yes, we are a little crazy.
For so long we have been in a waiting pattern. (I used to be a flight attendant. Forgive the illustration.) We have been circling and waiting for the Control Tower to tell us what to do. Well, we have gotten the call and we're going in for a landing.
I am anxious to put in a garden. I can't wait to pick my own tomatoes, green beans, squash, and melons. I'm sure we will have so much more. What a blessing to grow and cook and even can my own food for my family. God is amazing how we can do that. Eventually we would love to have cattle to have our own meat and maybe even (sorry Aunt Freda) chickens. To have fresh eggs each day is an amazing idea. It would be great to be able to find someone that has a milk cow to actually get some fresh milk. Can you tell I'm excited?

We will be moving in with my grandma. Her place will be such a change from where we are now. There is plenty of room for the kids to be able to spread out. Have some space. The kids can actually do their school work and not interrupt each other all day. Also, they can go outside and RUN! That is a blessing all by itself. They big boys are looking forward to being able to shoot their BB guns, build forts or catapults, and having a big room to spread out in. (Sensing a pattern?)
We spend so much of our time trying to keep things mellow. Slow and intentional. It is hard to keep that pace where we live. We are definitely a bit strange by the standards of where we live now. The town we are moving to is small and quaint. The town square looks a bit like Mayberry. The closest Trader Joe's or Target is 90 miles away. At first that scared me that everything was so far away. Now, I'm thinking of all of the wonderful ways to slow down and not need so much from stores like these. With Amazon Prime I can order just about anything we really need and save time, money, gas, etc. Also, we won't be making so many last minute items that get thrown in the cart.
We have so many things we will miss. Family, friends, conveniences, our homeschool group, and so much more (In N' Out, Wahoo's!!). But, the ability to do other things on our own. Hopefully, start our own business. That, I will keep under wraps as we develop some more ideas about that.
We are also hoping that we will be able to bless Grandma as well as be blessed by her. To hear her stories about the times when she grew up will be invaluable. Better then a text book any day. Also, there is other family that I am hoping we will be able to spend time with and grow new bonds with. What a cool thing for my kids to have cousins their own age to hang out with. It won't be all the time as they live a bit away. But, so much more then while we live on the other side of the country.
So, I ask for prayers for God to be very obvious in His directions for this move and with our lives. We have truly been trying to live our lives as a living sacrifice. (Romans 12:1) Funny, those statements scare me. I am not a missionary or have any degree in bible. There are many reasons I don't feel qualified to think that God would want to use me. But, the bible says otherwise. It says he uses everyone of us. He uses common people. Even though Paul was a learned man he had to reteach him. But, He used many common people. Moses, Joseph, Gideon, Jephtah, David, Esther (my personal favorite story), Mary, Matthew, Luke, Peter, and others. He is a God of the people and and to the people.
Esther, was a nobody. She was chosen to be queen. "For such a time as this." The exact quote is amazing in that she is told that God can do this with out you. He will raise someone else up but, He is calling on you. Will you stand up?
Here is the quote: "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to such a time as this?" Esther 4:14
Did you see that? He is able to do anything without our input but, He wants to use us and have a relationship with us. How much more do you think Esther learned about herself and God by doing what was set before her? Her confidence level about what she was capable of doing must have increased tremendously. Which is an even bigger deal for a young orphan woman during that time. Also, just a side note; another reason I love this story is that God doesn't talk out loud in this story. No burning bushes, no writing on the wall, not even a prophet coming and telling dreams or messages. Esther has to take her job on faith. Just like us. Faith is a terrifying thing. It is freeing on so many levels but, if you are anything like me you want to know what is coming and how it's going to pan out. That takes so much for me to break that fear of the unknown.
So, God does use ordinary people. Just like you and me. I have been praying for a long time and singing for God to use my family for His glory. To lead my children in His ways. Dear husband has been praying for God to use us and to leave a legacy for our children. What better legacy then God's legacy? He has big plans for us. For all of us. We just have to be open to hear and follow. So, while we jump into this big adventure, know that I am feeling like Esther stepping into the throne room that she wasn't invited to. I am no Esther but, she didn't think she was anything special either.

So, what will you do today to give yourself to God and His plans for your life? Who will you touch and lead to the Lord? These questions are more for me then anyone else.
Thank you Lord, for leading us to a new adventure. For calling us to do something that will glorify Him and help us to bless others though.