The bigger it spins, the better the dress. |
I took my girlie for our first girls shopping trip. Nothing fancy, just
Kohl's. I really hadn't shopped there much before. Just a couple of run in, run out shopping is all. And always with the whole crew.
So, this was different.
She is 2. Well, almost 3. So she is a fashionesta. I never really got why moms would buy things or allow their daughters to dress so fancy to go out and about. Then I had Girlie.... Yep, she has a big opinion about what she wears and what she wants. She wears a pink tu-tu all the time. Just because. I was a mom of 3 boys first. I was used to going to the store with Superman, or a pirate, but a pink tu-tu? And jewelry?
Several months ago, Girlie decided she wanted earrings. She would ask everyday. Well, I didn't have any clip on ones and piercing a 2 year olds ears isn't something I was willing to do. When she is old enough to take care of them and not get hit in the head with a soccer ball and get it embeded into the side of her neck, then we will be good to go. Well, I asked a friend where to get those stick on earrings. You know (or maybe you don't if you only have boys.) She has 4 girls (God bless her!).
Claire's was where she said to go. Full of girls pretty little do-dads.
A place of unknown treasures to a mom of 3 boys. This is a place I had never ventured. You know, like the pink aisle at the toy store. You just don't go there if you have boys. Well, I am learning a whole new side to parenting a girl. So much fun. The toys she likes, I would have liked. I don't have to hear her drown on about the latest
Transformers, or
Beyblade toy. I can only hear how Optimus Prime and blah, blah blah,
fought blah, blah,
to blah, blah.... They start to sound like the parents in the Peanuts cartoons. Sorry, I do listen to my kids. But, how many times do I have to listen to Death Star scenarios???
Oh and movies. Don't get me wrong I loved
Toy Story, and
Cars was great but, wouldn't it be nice to throw in a princess or two? I missed
Belle and
Cinderella. What about a little
Tinker Bell? I
am a girl for goodness sake. I did learn to love
Indiana Jones but,
Star Wars ( I am so sorry those of you that think it is a sacred movie) , I hate it. I can sit through some if it but, it really seems like all the same story all over again and again. (I know I am not Jedi worthy).
All of this said, I come back to my original thought.
Shopping. I used to love to shop. What girl doesn't? What wasn't to love when I had my cute high school firm body. Before kids. Well, now there are several reasons not to like it. I don't have that body anymore. I have 4 kids to take with me (Hence the body change), the kids need stuff more then I do, and it
is expensive. Oh yea, and the boys don't want to shop unless it is the toy store,
Gamestop, or maybe the
book store. I just decided that I just didn't like to shop anymore. I would just pick up an item here or there. Needless to say my wardrobe is not anything to rave about.
Then comes girlie. We went into that store with the intent to buy a couple pairs of shorts for me and maybe a couple of t-shirts. It was like a whole new experience. She loved it. We looked at tops together. I would try on a skirt and she would say, "Oh mommy, that is pretty. Spin."
Spin? Spin? I remember doing that as a little girl. The best dresses and skirts would spin
so big. Remember that? How does she know that? Is it something a little girl is born with? To know that the best skirts spin big? I would pick out a top and she would find me a better one.
Then came the conversations in the dressing room. Now this got a little embarressing when I realized that everyone else in there was laughing because they could hear her. I know that is why they are laughing because one of them said, "I am loving listening to her. My daughter was the same way. She is well on her way to being your fashion coordinator."
We were in the dressing room and I had picked out a sensible white top. Girlie declared quite loudly that it was
ugly! And that I needed the purple one she picked. It was very pretty. She even told me one looked
old. Not sure what that meant but, I didn't buy it.
Then I needed undies. Well, I'm looking for beige, and ivory, maybe brown or something mellow. Every time I looked in the cart, she had thrown in these
fuschia lacy panties with a diamond on the front. I gave up the 4th time and left them in. I did draw the line at the bright
Pink and
purple zebra striped ones. I could not have made it through the check out with a straight face with those in there.
We even got to look at jewelry together. You know the fun bangles and dangles. I never look at those anymore. The boys are always antsy by the time I pick something out quickly and maybe try something on. I would never push them by making them sit through the bangles. Besides it isn't fun to look alone. She picked out some doozies there too. A huge bejeweled owl necklace. You know the kind that your 3rd grade teacher would have worn every day until the bug eyes would make you have bad dreams. I talked her into some fun colorful bracelets. And I bought a purse.
Pink not
brown because girlie said it was prettier, and she was right.
Shopping may be fun again. I may have to try that a couple more times. Mommy and girlie time. What a totally new concept to me.
The Lord knew what I needed at this point in my life. I have 3 wonderful boys. 3 sons. I love my boys and have done so many boy things for so many years (14 to be exact). I taught them all to enjoy baking and tea parties. All of them have had a doll at one time or another. We even owned a kitchen for a short time with the first son. The doll was never a baby and the kitchen never baked a cake; only bug pies and Hot Wheels pizza. That is fine. They had fun and so did I. I did long for an
Easy Bake Oven. Or a
baby dolls with all of the
accessories to go with her. But, I was resigned to the fact that I would be buying and playing with
Hot Wheels for the rest of my life.
Well, not now. Girlie and I will play with the Hot Wheels but, we will also play with dolls and pretend "baby" is sleeping or is cranky and needs a nap. I will get to go shopping again and pick out pretty clothes, not just functional clothes. I will again enjoy the little more frilly side of life. Thank you God for my girlie.
What icing on the cake that you made her so adorable. Blond ringlet curls and big blue eyes. Not at all like me. But even more beautiful then I could have dreamed.
Now if I can just convince her that I am as nice as Daddy, we will be all set.