Have you ever watched that movie Groundhog Day? It's not a very good movie but, the concept strikes a cord with most of us at times. The plot of the movie is that Bill Murray's character gets stuck replaying the same day over and over again. Supposedly, until he gets it "right". It takes him quite a few tries until it finally occurs to him that he should really try to get it right. Even if no one notices or remembers.
Funny, it sounds like a mom's life to me. A mom is eternally stuck in Ground Hog's day. We wash the same clothes, clean the same dishes, scrub the same toilets, dust the same furniture, vacuum the same carpet. When you have a cleaning day where you have the opportunity to clean for a good portion of the day, which we know is virtually impossible if any of your kids are at home, you feel good about getting so much accomplished. That is where the problem lies. You have accomplished something. You have cleaned. Doesn't anyone else see what a huge accomplishment that is? It is huge!! Especially if there was a baby or small child involved in the whole thing. The bummer is no one usually really notices, unless we don't do it. Then everyone notices.
Isn't it weird how you will get up one morning and catch a glimpse of the mirror and think, "why is there dust there again? Didn't I just do that?" I wish once you did it the furniture would stay dusted. Nothing stays the same.
I am in a difficult time in my families growing up time when it comes to cleaning. With 4 kids, there is always something or someone that needs to be cleaned. Unfortunately, neither can they do it themselves or really care if it is done. My daughter is potty training. Since we started it we have had some terrible cleaning "issues" pop up. Do you know there are just some things that poop won't come off of? And then some you don't know where to start to get it clean. Confession, I have thrown things away. Perfectly good things with a bit of poop on it that I just couldn't stand the thought of messing with.
Well, I am telling you that it is O.K. We, as moms, just have to be patient. Our rewards are in the re-dos. The carpet and laundry will eventually get finished one day and those little bodies that make everything so dirty, they will move away. Grow up and have their own little messes to re-clean. I dare say we will miss the busyness. And I can only imagine and pray that my children will remember that we did so much for them. Well, I can dream can't I?
Truth is, they don't notice a whole lot of what we do. They would totally notice if they didn't have clean undies. That is when the appreciation starts. When they move out and no one puts clean undies and socks on their bed. No one tells them to wash their hands and come eat dinner. (that they didn't have to cook). If you don't believe me, hold some all of their socks hostage. Or better than that, hold their favorite jeans or shirt hostage (they would probably just go sock less anyway). They will appreciate you and a few things you do then.
In the mean time, grab a glass of tea and call a friend on the phone while you do the dishes. It is so much nicer to do "Ground Hog" day with someone else that is doing it too. I have noticed that I actually clean faster when I am visiting with a friend. Maybe because I will stay on task and chug away at what I am doing instead of getting distracted. And the tea? Well, it just gives me sense that, "all is right with the world". At least until I get to the bottom of it.
sooo true!!!